Four Candles

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3 years ago

It was late evening. There was darkness all around. Only one room was illuminated. There were four candles burning.

Seeing themselves alone,candles started talking among themselves. The first candle said, "I am peace. When I see this world, I feel very sad. There is rioting, looting and violence all around. So it is very difficult to live here. I can't stay here anymore." Saying this the candle was extinguished.

The second candle also began to speak its mind, “I am a believer. I feel that lies, deceit, deception, dishonesty are destroying my existence. This place is no longer worthy of me. I'm going too." Saying this, the second candle was also extinguished.

The third candle was also sad. She said, "I am love. I can burn every moment for everyone. But now no one has time for me. Selfishness and hatred is taking my place. There was no love-feeling left in the minds of people even towards their loved ones. It is not my thing to bear this now. It would be fine for me to go." Saying that the third candle was also extinguished.

The third light was out when a boy entered the room. He was very sad to see the candles being extinguished. The tears started flowing from his eyes. With a sad heart, he said, "How can you go away from my life in the middle like this. You had to burn completely till the end. But you left my side. What shall I do now?"

After listening to the child, the fourth candle said, "Don't panic, child. I am hope and I am with you. As long as I am burning, you can light other candles with my flame."

Hearing the fourth candle, the child's consolation was bound. He rekindled peace, faith and love with hope.


"Time doesn't remains same in life. Sometimes there is light, sometimes it is dark. When darkness comes in life, the mind becomes restless, faith starts to waver and the world starts to look alien. Then light the lamp of hope. As long as the lamp of hope continues to burn, there can never be darkness in life. Everything in life can be achieved on the strength of hope. So never give up on hope."

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Written by
3 years ago
