The Rental Housing Market Is Ridiculous

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2 years ago

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The College Market

When I was in college, I rented a house with my friends just off campus, but that seemed like a pretty straightforward process. I guess it was known that the people renting there would be students, so all that was really required of us was to sign a lease saying we wouldn't break anything, give a security deposit to prove that was the case and then pay rent. It's not like any of us had jobs, but we had thousands of dollars of loans at our disposal that will no doubt inconvenience us later on in life... Just not right then.

Now, moving out seems to have a bunch of unnecessary and in my opinion, stupid hoops to jump through.


I am moving to Philadelphia on Sunday with some of my friends and have gotten massively frustrated with the process.

First, here is breakdown of the ridiculous upfront charges they are asking for:

  • 1st months rent

  • Last months rent

  • Security deposit

  • Application fee

  • Prorated rent for all the days we will live there before March 1st

  • All the utilities

Here is a breakdown of all of the things that they needed from us before even giving us an application to rent:

  • Background check

  • Credit check

  • Paystubs from a job

  • Application fee

  • All personal information

  • Banking details and balances

We also had to negotiate the price of rent to include some of the furniture and their stubbornness wasted a month of our time even though we eventually reached a decent compromise.

So just to clarify, a year and a half ago all I needed to do was to show up and pay a deposit and sign a paper and then I had a house. Now I feel like we are going through the necessary steps to be processed into a prison and are being asked for entirely too much up front.

Is It Always Like This?

I keep being told "this is the way it is" and that has really pissed me off. The entire process to me feels very discriminatory. Though we hit all the necessary steps in order to get the house, the process feels designed to keep people away. If this is how it is everywhere, it is a wonder that there are not more people who find themselves homeless or unable to secure a long term rental.

If I am ever to be renting out real estate (which honestly, I would rather not do), I would not put tenants through such a ridiculous and unnecessary process. It should be as simple as:

You pay, you stay. If you can't pay, let's figure out how you can do it, or we move on. Do you need to know my bank balance, schedule from 9-5, lunch preference, eye color, favorite cartoon as a kid, middle school lunch pin code, travel history, favorite web browser and how many hairs I have on my neck for me to live in your tiny little house? I sure don't think so.

Landlords suck. Sorry landlords reading this, maybe you don't suck.

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2 years ago
