Government Inefficiencies That Could Be Solved With Blockchain

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3 years ago

I have spent arguably too much time recently theorizing with my friends about a world without government or a world that is ruled through direct democracy. These conversations come out of a feeling of frustration with not only the unfairness of current governmental systems, but also with general disappointment for how inefficient our current systems are.

Now if I had all the answers on how to make everything better in the world and create an efficient utopian society that has no corruption, I would probably be raking in Nobel prizes right now.

Rooted in a mindset of capitalism and what is essentially ruling-class politics, I am unsure of how to solve a lot of societal problems in an equitable way. That being said, there are things in government (namely US government) that are so blasphemously inefficient and outdated that I feel comfortable speaking about the fact we should be changing them.

Here are three inefficiencies that need to be solved immediately in government.

The Voting Process

The first inefficiency that comes to mind is just how stupid the voting process actually is in America. We have apps on our phone that can summon a car in a matter of seconds, websites where you can order thousands of dollars of goods to arrive by the next morning, and even self driving vehicles... Yet we count votes on slips of paper.

We are living in an era with more processing power and technological innovation than ever before in history and yet we are spending hours and hours once every four years counting votes by hand. That is ridiculous.

As a cryptocurrency user, I know that it is absolutely possible to create a voting blockchain where votes are immutable (possibly in the form of an NFT) and verifiable in terms of identification. There is nothing stopping the government from running elections that can be carried out instantaneously through a secured blockchain ecosystem and getting fully accurate results in just a few minutes.

Paper ballots allow for error and corruption (though I think that almost all conspiracy theories I've heard about this are BS, I still think it is possible to do). The government needs to utilize the technology we have in the world and make our voting process more efficient/fair.

The Centralization of Policy Power

I was called crazy for thinking that we should be running our world through direct democracy. While I do understand some of the negatives (i.e. majority groups forming, deciding which decisions are worth voting on, etc.), I also see the negatives of allowing a few hundred overpaid professional persuaders sitting around and getting nothing done for years on end in the House of Representatives and Senate. Perhaps we should be using a system where there is a more direct vote and not having the filibustering and stalling in our government waste time that could be better spent helping citizens who are struggling. We vote, we implement, we move on; at least we will get something done.

This realization has made me actually believe that government as a whole is an inefficient process, though as I stated earlier, I lack the cultural understanding and political knowledge to propose the world changing solution as of now.

Government Involvement in Finance

Lastly, and most relevant for this forum is that we should have government get less involved and eventually completely out of finance. The inefficiencies in government finance revolve around the fact that we continue to stack trillions of dollars in debt held together by fear and fragile trust. Seeing that the US dollar has lost upwards of 99% of its value over the last 100 years, it has become obvious that governmental-based financial decisions have been made not to maintain the value of the average mans wealth, but to keep the nation itself afloat and in a position of world power.

If we remove the government from finances, then the value of currency is no longer tethered to national interests, but the interests of the majority of the users of that currency. This can once again be a dangerous proposition, but I know for a fact that my interests don't involve spending over 732 billion dollars on the military when there are over 500,000 homeless people in our nation. Without the government involved in finance, the people that culminate in the system are given more influence and agency in where communal funds are spent. How those funds are to be stored and collected is once again not something that I have solved.

Tell me what you think, are these inefficiencies globally understood? Are they reasonable? Do you have more? Am I absolutely crazy and wrong? Talk to me.

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3 years ago
