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3 years ago

What is Meditation?

Meditation is not about being another person, being a new person or even a better person. It's not about sensitivity preparation, and having a good sense of perspective. You are not trying to toggle off emotions or ideas. You learn to watch them without judgment. People often use this activity to develop other beneficial behaviors and emotions. Finally, you will also start to understand them better.

Here are the Benefits that you can get in meditating everyday:

1. Reduces Stress

Reducing stress is one of the most reason why people meditate. Usually, emotional and physical stress induces elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This triggers some of the negative effects of stress, such as the development of inflammation-promoting chemicals called cytokines.

These effects can disrupt sleep, encourage depression and anxiety, lead to weight gain and lead to tiredness and blurry thinking.

2. Controls Anxiety

Less stress leads to less anxiety. It also the symptoms of anxiety disorders, such as phobias, social anxiety , paranoia, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and panic attacks.

Meditation can also help to reduce job-related anxiety in high-pressure work environments. One research showed that the therapy method had decreased anxiety in a group of nurses.

3. Promotes Emotional Health

Most types of meditation can boost depression and generate a more optimistic view for life. Studies shows that developing a daily practice of meditation will enable you retain these benefits over the long term.

4. Enhances Self-Awareness

Most relaxation techniques can help you develop a better understanding of yourself, helping you to grow into your best self. For example, self-inquiry meditation specifically seeks to help you gain a deeper understanding about yourself and how you relate to others around you.

Certain types help you to identify thoughts that may be negative or self-defeating. The theory is that if you become more conscious of your cognitive habits, you will direct them to more positive patterns.

5. It Lengthens Attention Span

Oriented-attention meditation is like a weight-lift for your brain capacity. It helps to improve the strength and stamina of your focus. It's almost difficult to pay attention to one thing for a long time. A recent research explores whether Buddhist meditation can enhance a person's ability to be attentive and finds that meditation preparation allows people to concentrate on a long-term task that needs them to identify subtle variations between the things they see.

6. It May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss

Improving concentration and clarity of thought will help to keep your mind young. In the battle against natural age-related memory loss, meditation will at least partly boost the memory of patients with dementia. It can also help reduce stress and improve coping in the treatment of family members with dementia.

7. It Can Generate Kindness

In particular, some forms of meditation can increase positive feelings and behavior towards yourself and others. Metta, a form of meditation also known as loving kindness meditation, helps to cultivate positive thoughts and feelings for yourself.  Via practice, people learn to spread this compassion and acceptance outwardly, first to relatives, then to acquaintances and finally to enemies.

8. May Help Fight Addictions

The mental discipline that you can build through meditation will help you break your dependency by growing self-control and knowledge of the causes for addictive behaviors. Research has shown that meditation can help people learn to focus their attention, increase their resilience, regulate their emotions and desires, and improve their awareness of the reasons behind their addictive behavior.

9. It Improves Sleep

About half of the population would suffer with insomnia at some point. Sleep issues are often triggered by stress and anxiety, but meditation enhances your relaxation response. It also improves control of the autonomic nervous system, which limits how quickly you are awoken. Meditation may also increase Melatonin (a sleep hormone).

10. Helps To Control Pain

Your perception of pain is related to your state of mind, and can be increased under stressful circumstances. Meditation may reduce the perception of pain in the brain. This can help to relieve chronic pain when used as an alternative to medical treatment or physical therapy.

11. It Can Decrease Blood Pressure

Meditation can also enhance physical well-being by reducing stress on the heart. Over time, high blood pressure makes it harder for the heart to pump blood, which can lead to impaired heart function. High blood pressure also leads to atherosclerosis or narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Blood pressure drops not only during meditation, but also over time in people who meditate regularly. This will reduce the pressure on the heart and arteries, helping to prevent heart disease.

In addition, you can meditate anywhere. You have the freedom to practice anytime, wherever. The trick is to concentrate on what's going on inside your brain. The easiest way to do so is by the easy practice of being mindful of your surroundings when you breathe in and out.

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