Stay Happy Always
January 3rd 2022.
As we begin to experience 2022, we’re greeted with the opportunity to start fresh.
Whether we’re setting financial or lifestyle goals, or are just aiming to improve our overall happiness, there's no denying how difficult it is in the beginning.
There's a fine line between being happy and content, and being happy and unhealthy. I’ve seen too many people get so excited about their goals that they hurt themselves in order to achieve them. I’ve also seen many people break their resolutions after about a month because they weren’t realistic.
How can you always be happy?
You need not just to be happy temporarily. You need to be happy always.
Like the saying goes, happiness is a choice, not a destination. It is not that you are not happy, but you need to find out the reasons behind your unhappiness.
What are the reasons?
We all have heard and we all know that money is the most important reason behind our unhappiness. But what is money and how can we understand this better?
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Money is a store of value, nothing else and it is one of the most important inventions in the history of human kind.
Money allows us to do good and to support people, causes and charities when we do not have time or when we feel like helping. Money allows us to leave something behind for others and this is a very nice feeling. But money cannot buy everything and not everyone has enough money to be happy.
I believe happiness is something that you bring about yourself.
Don't wait for others to make you happy, because they never will.
If your friends are in trouble, don't worry so much about it so that you won't hurt yourself or the people around you.
You should try to be happy, because in this way you can help your friends and other people around you. Don't cry when things go wrong, but smile and try to find a solution to the problem. Though at times you might need to cry.
Are you feeling sad today?
Many store in bitterness, and this leads to depression, conclude in your heart to release yourself of any source of sadness or bitterness.
We all face the days when we are not happy and it is difficult to remain cheerful. But that is the time when we have to be happy always.
For example, if you are unfortunate, then you have to stay happy. If you are unsuccessful, then you have to stay happy. If you have less money, then you have to stay happy. If you fight with your loved ones and friends, then you have to stay happy. If your parents are not with you, then you have to stay happy.
There's need to be happy always. You have to always be happy. You can't have a sad day. If you have a bad time you cry it out and then you move on.
That's my life.
I think people in this world have to be happy. They can't be sad all the time. No one is going to get far by being almost happy. When they are not happy they do this thing called pity partying.
What that means is that they drink and party and cry and stuff like that. Basically, they pity themselves because they are not fully happy and want everyone else to pity them too so or feel sorry for them so they will feel better about it. That is not how it works.
You have to keep your head up, look around and see what's happening around you and new things develop from there. You can't let a bad thing that happen to you destroy your day, it can only help you grow as a person if you don't let it.
At the beginning of every year, we all make our New year resolution. And we usually forget about it by February. That's because there's so much that needs to be done, the new things we want to accomplish and it's just a fun time to make promises and forget about it.
But this year, I want you to make one thing a priority: being happier.
So many times I see people going through a series of negative emotions and this isn't just something that happens in life. It happens to us every single day. We walk around with negative thoughts, feelings, maybe even some behaviours that are not leading us towards happiness.
This year, my hope is that you can at least make happiness a daily priority. Do your best to be happy all the time and when you feel yourself going down that dark road just pull yourself back up and think of one nice thing you can do for yourself or someone else.
Happiness is one of the most underrated things in the world and Happiness is one of the most important things in the world. It is so important that people spend money to get it. People spend money on drugs, they spend money on vacations, they spend money on dating sites and they spend money on other things but none of this will ever make them happy.
I set myself a challenge to be happy always. I carefully pondered the ways that I could be happy in every situation and eventually I decided that:
I can play a good song
Laugh with my friends
Be part of something special
Wake up with energy
Listen to music in the car with the windows rolled down
Plan something really special for someone.
Catch someone doing something good for another person.
Have time to myself but not doing anything in particular other than relaxing.
Let's stay happy always!!!
It is really important to always be happy because this life is too short not to be enjoyed