My notes

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2 years ago
Topics: Lessons, Sunday

Happy Sunday. The weather is a bit brighter today. Last week was a rainy week here right from Sunday morning. The weather was cold too.

How was your service in church today? Did you enjoy it? I hope you jot down the lessons that you learnt. Let me take you through my notes.

Forgive and forget all offenses

You need to forgive all those who have offended you. Just like Joseph did in the book of Genesis. His brothers sold him to the Ismaelites and lied to their father that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. He forgave his brothers even before they apologized. He left vengeance to God. Leave vengeance to God. He says in His word 'vengeance is mine, I will repay' . When God fights for you, you will pity your enemies. God said He will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Leave your battles for God to fight for you.

Be industrious and dutiful

Joseph was given the responsibility of monitoring the selling of food by pharaoh during the time of famine in the land of Egypt. Joseph didn't give the job to someone else. He needs was present at the selling point and that was why he was able to see his brothers and reconcile with his family. He was faithful and honest in the assignment given to him.

Take care of your parents

Joseph took good care of his family. He fed them with norishments. After Joseph sent for his whole family, he made sure that they dwelt in the best land in Egypt where they could graze their cattle. They could not mingle with the Egyptians because the Egyptians hated shepherds. You should take care of your parents while they are still alive and not when they are dead.

Be separated from the world

Evil communication corrupts good manners. You must remain unsported in this world. Don't be ashamed to be known as a Christian. Christians don't speak bad languages. Christians don't speak slangs. God will set apart him that is godly onto Himself. Don't be involved in sinful practices. Don't copy immoral lifestyles. Let him that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Sin separates from God and prayers will be an abomination to Him.

The spirit of God dwells in a joyful heart

Be joyful always. Put a smile on your face. Smile heals. When you smile, others will smile at you. Two weeks ago, I got to school and after my first lecture, one of my coursematee approached me and asked what the problem was. He asked why I wasn't smiling that day. I gave him a fake smile before he left. This shows that people notice our doings. And it is only in a joyful heart that the spirit of God dwells. Don't always complain. Be grateful. Count your blessings and not your loses.

Prayer is the lasting solution to all life problems

Prayer, as defined by the dictionary, is the act of communicating with one's God. Prayer is essentially important. Talk to God through prayer everyday and see how your life will move from glory to glory. Start your day with prayer and end it with prayers not with cooking and eating or pressing phone. I can't imagine how my day will look like without saying a word of prayer to God.

Thanks for reading

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2 years ago
Topics: Lessons, Sunday


Yes my friend. It's a big true. Prayer is best solutions to all the problems we had. Prayer is powerful. Based on my experiences too. Prayers is one of our saviors during the difficult times.

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2 years ago