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2 years ago
Topics: Giving

God's nature and love for giving cannot be understated. His giving is as high as heaven and as deep as the earth so that we might have salvation as written in John 3 verse 16. So that God will be able to partake in the sorrows of man. He gave his only begotten son so that we might be saved. He gave his only begotten son and through Him, has given us every other things that we need.

He is our perfect example of a giver. He has given us the holy ghost. You will notice that he gives us the necessities of life not only things we can live without. He gives us Grace and glory. He gives us the desires of our heart.

Jesus is also a great great giver without his gift there will be no hope of heaven, godliness in our lives and peace in the world. He gave himself for our sins. He didn't just give us money and peace but His own blood for our redemption.

Everything He gives is uncountable

He gives us ETERNAL LIFE. Without Him, we can't have a relationship with the lord Almighty.

We have peace in this world. We can't live peacefully without Christ. We will be living in confusion.

He gives us the living water that will bring constant satisfaction. Nothing in this world can give permanent satisfaction. All the things people run after in this world cannot give them lasting joy. The joy we receive from the world will only give temporary salvation.

If you know God as your father, there is a place up there for you. He has gone to prepare you a place of rest in heaven.

What therefore should be our response to this love?

The salvation he has given us, even if he does not give us any other thing apart from saving us from hell, that should make us surrender our totality to Him. Look at Calvary and see the love of God. We need to love Him because He first loved us. At Getsemane, we see the burden of our sin on him. His sweat turned to blood.

Have you sweated blood before? Were your clothes removed and shared among security officials? Did anybody put a crown of thorns on your head? Were you crucified ?were y

All that He did for you. If this is the only thing He did for you why are you complaining? What can you compare with the agony of the cross? Your giving should be in measure of His love for you. if there's any complaints in your mouth today, it is because you are not looking at Calvary.

We have those who surrendered their lives and children to God in appreciation. Abraham gave Isaac. Can you give your children to God? Release your children to serve God. What are we on earth for? We are to love Him because He first loved us. Hannah gave Samuel to God and Samuel stayed in consistent fellowship to God.


Give your heart, life time, skill and resources to God. Don't rob God Malachi 3:8.

This shows you appreciate Calvary.

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2 years ago
Topics: Giving


John 3:16 is the very first verse that I memorized from the Bible, and it's my favorite. God is love, and He's love for us is eternal.

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2 years ago