Ember months

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2 years ago

I am grateful to God for the opportunity to be alive to see my birth month. I am so happy. The devil meant sadness for me but God turned it around. I give all the glory to my Father in heaven.

Happy new month friends. I have read a lot of posts about the new month.

Many people attribute bad occurrences to ember months. But to me, ember months are as good as every other month of the year. Infact, it is in one of these ember months that the Savior of the world was born. A glorious month. So you can see that this month will be a very peaceful month for you.

At the beginning of this year, we had some goals we set to achieve. But as we passed through January, we felt that we still had February till December to still carry out plans for our goals. February came and we relaxed till August. That is when we come back from our Dreamland to reality that the year is almost gone and we haven't achieved anything. This is when we begin to rush to achieve the things we ought to have achieved in twelve months in four months.

For example, a person who is feeding himself through working as a motorcycle rider has set a goal at the beginning of this year that by December, he must acquire his own personal motorcycle because the one that he is working with is an hired one. He begins to work and save for his own motorcycle. When he gets to March, he began to slow his pace and spending his savings. He begins to spend lavishly till it's the ninth month, September. That is when this motorcycle rider will realize that the year is almost ended with no savings for his goal. He begins to work very hard to get a lot of money in few hours. Overspeeding sets in thereby, leading to accident. This is the reason why we record a lot of accidents in ember months.

Don't rush. Be patient. If you have not yet met your target, just run at your own pace and don't run into trouble.

This is just my little advice for this month.

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2 years ago


Happy New Month friend

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2 years ago

Thank you

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2 years ago

We are responsible for our own lives. It doesn't matter where we come from, what your strengths and weaknesses are. You are responsible for most of the situations that happen to us. This is our life, and only we can make it what we want it to be.)

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2 years ago

I love Ember months my friend. Everytime the Ember months started I felt the Christmas is really fast approaching. I love Christmas my friend.

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2 years ago