Happy Valentine's Day

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2 years ago

February 14 is an important and romantic day for Filipinos, this is the day we express our love and appreciation to our loved ones, who can be a girlfriend, spouse, children, best friend, parent, relative, or friends, in various ways such as giving a gift, sending love notes, taking a walk in the park or the mall, eating out, sending cards and flowers, saying “I love you”.

Valentine’s Day is a very special day in the Philippines. A few weeks before the celebration, establishments are already preparing promotions-hotels and restaurants, often full of celebrating lovers and couples, are putting out candlelight treats for lovers, malls are decorating the their racks of gift items such as food, stuffed toys, heart -shaped chocolates and candies, and ga baloons; airlines offer special discounts; there are romantic movies in theaters; television shows honor lovers, and schools and offices organize parties.

It's February again and many are saying that "the smell of love is in the air". On this day, the flowers especially the roses are very expensive, chocolate floods even greeting cards. Not only do they greet each other but also their friends.

But how do we celebrate Valentine's Day without thinking and buying worth hundreds or sometimes even thousands of flowers . Let's not let the feeling of our love be mirrored by poverty. Let's just be practical, I know you think it's corny but Flowers, chocolates and cards are just material thing, the important thing is you are happy together with your loved ones and family.

The most precious and unconditional love you will ever had is the authentic happiness that is so priceless. It is more important that even Valentine's Day is over, we don't have to be romantic and tender every Valentine's Day. It is so wonderful that we can say and feel at any moment the appreciation for the people we love.

I know you might think it's corny but the most important thing is you have shown your love everyday and every moment. As for me, am I morbid thinking that maybe tomorrow I won't wake up, so I always say "I love you" in my loved ones, and at least even if I disappear from this world, the last thing they heard from me was the one I love you.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the people oaround the corner and to all the people around the globe.

Good day read cash family, have a nice and let me greet my read cash sponsors and the community. Godbless us all!

Always show love to the people around you !

Photos from unplash

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Avatar for PrincessMae
2 years ago


Broke up with my beloved, last night

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh so sorry to hear that my friend. How sad then it's Valentine's day! Just keep on moving my friend someone will come for the better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

let me tell you I like valentines day as much as any other person but today someone just told me that I should not be going out to the movies because I don't have a boyfriend 😂😂 I looked at her and I said but our boyfriend said he'll take us out... now she's mad😂😂😂😂😂 it's literally 1 am

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Lol, enjoy the day my friend

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2 years ago