Insomnia and Solution

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Avatar for PrincessAria
3 years ago
Topics: Health, Information

Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from insomnia.

It is not easy for everyone to fall asleep even when they are tired. Many people go to bed on time and go to bed at midnight, but do not fall asleep. Even after having extreme fatigue.

And the Sleep Foundation in the United States claims, based on research, that the situation is more severe for women than men.


Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder. The person suffering from this problem does not fall asleep easily and wakes up a little. There are two types of short-term and long-term insomnia.

This is why women are at higher risk of insomnia, according to a report published on a health website.

Hormonal defects:There is a close relationship between the sleep cycle and hormones. There is no difference in the sleep cycle of a boy or a girl till puberty. However, when a woman's menstrual cycle begins to change her sleep cycle.

The good and bad of their sleep cycle depends on the menstrual cycle. Pregnancy and menopause also cause hormonal changes in a woman's body at a massive rate. So even during these times, women may have trouble sleeping.

Mood swings:Frequent changes in mood are another major cause of sleep problems in women. Emotional tendencies are more common among women. That is why their mental state changes so quickly. Especially during menstruation. Due to this, women are more likely to suffer from insomnia.

The reason is that the chemical elements in the brain that work to bring about a sudden change in mood control sleep.

Personal and career tensions:Women are at the forefront of providing services to children and the elderly in society. In the case of working women, the two responsibilities of managing work and house fall on women. The emotional turmoil of the two responsibilities also plays a serious role behind their insomnia.

Things to do

Insomnia must be addressed before it becomes a life partner. There are many arrangements. However, which measures will be effective will depend on the severity of the problem.

More or less everyone suffers from insomnia, which lasts for one or two nights. However, if you continue to understand that your insomnia is 'chronic' level. In that case you have to take the advice of a doctor.

As well as having to stop eating something heavy before going to bed at night. Alcohol or caffeinated beverages should not be consumed before going to bed.

Stay away from electric screens. Sleep in the same routine every day of the week.

There are good sleep patterns as well as early sleep strategies.

How long a person will feel refreshed is a different matter for each person. Again, there is no rule that you have to sleep for seven to eight hours.

Here are some tips to help you get a good night's sleep, according to a report published on a health website.

Eight-hour calculation:If you want to get the next day's work done well, you need to make sure you get enough sleep tonight. And when we say enough sleep, we understand that we have to sleep for eight hours. However, if you can't match for eight hours, the sky will not fall on your head. Even if you sleep for six or six and a half hours, you can stay healthy effortlessly.

Sleeping clothes:The less clothes you wear or the thinner you sleep, the more air the skin will get. And if more air reaches the skin, it will stay cool and help you fall asleep faster.

There is no problem in watching television: it is unrealistic to think that those thoughts will disappear at night after all the worries of the day. And it is difficult to fall asleep with so many thoughts in your head. Television can be helpful in this case. You can take it with a 'timer' on the television, so that when you fall asleep, it shuts off alone.

Special sleeping habits: Someone needs a sheet, someone can't sleep if they can't listen to music, it is impossible to sleep without a pillow, etc. People have different sleeping habits. It's not a problem, it's part of your identity.

Alcohol:Alcohol or any other drug may make you feel drowsy and fall asleep faster. However, that sleep is more likely to be broken in the middle of the night and it will reduce the time of deep sleep. This can lead to fatigue even after getting enough sleep.

Nasal congestion solution: Allergies are one of the causes of nasal congestion. If the nasal passages are obstructed for any reason, vibrations occur while breathing. That's why nasal congestion is a problem. In this case, using ‘decongestant’ or ‘antihistamine’ type of medicine will be beneficial. In this case, you must take the advice of a doctor.

Going to bed early:If you fall asleep in a hurry to get to the office or class on time, you have to go to bed early. Sleep will not come for the first few days, you will have to get up again in the morning thinking that sleep may become forbidden. But once you get used to it, you can tie it to the table. And that habit must be maintained.

Anxiety medicine prescription: If the head does not fall asleep due to the state of anxiety, you can read the notebook with a pen. Start writing down your worries and how you want to resolve them. It can be a little mentally calm. You can count the numbers to distract the brain from anxiety.

The solution to insomnia is not drugs: If the problem of not being able to sleep reaches a serious stage, then the advice of a psychologist should be taken. They will be able to find the cause of the problem and give an effective solution accordingly. However, drug use will not give any solution, but can become addicted.

Caffeine:Many people can fall asleep after drinking tea and coffee. He complained that he does not work in tea and coffee. So there is a problem if you drink them before going to bed at night. Even if you can fall asleep after taking ‘caffeine’, that sleep will not be deep.

Sleeping with mass on the abdomen:Sleeping in this way is very harmful for the neck and spine. You have to sleep on your back. If you can, you can take a pillow below the knee, it will reduce the pressure on the back.

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Avatar for PrincessAria
3 years ago
Topics: Health, Information


very nice post 😊

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3 years ago