Importance of Trust in copywriting

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Avatar for Preacherman
3 years ago

Today, I want to tell you why I debated for almost 3 weeks before hiring one coach for $10,000… but didn’t hesitate 10 minutes to hire another coach for $60,000. 

It is an important lesson to consider, because as a copywriter marketer, your primary job is to persuade people. 

And usually, you’re persuading them to give you, or your client, money, right? 

I think we can agree that you’d like to inspire them to pay you $60,000 instead of $10,000, yes? 

Ok… here’s what happened… 

On my lunch break, I stepped into the hall of the convention center.

“Ok, go ahead. We are on break. I’ve got about 100 people in there who need me to get back to them in about 30 min. But this is important. Tell me what you got.” 

I listened carefully as Ned (not his real name…) walked me through his coaching program. 

Hiring a coach has always been part of my success formula. 

The problem is, not all coaches are created equal. 

I’d joined masterminds, hired coaches, had mentors, etc… 

And while I believe that I am the magic in my life, the right mentor/coach can really make a huge difference. 

And for the past 5 years, I’d spent tens of thousands on coaches that were just, well, OK… some flat out duds! 

I knew the right coach was out there for me. 

I just couldn’t seem to find him or her. 

“So, that’s the program,” Ned said as he wrapped up, “I’m ready to get started when you are.” 

“What is my investment? You didn’t mention that.” 

“The program for 6 months is $10,000 and you can make payments if you need to.” 

Something inside me just didn’t feel settled. 

I had talked to another coach earlier in the week and wasn’t sure about that one either. 

Truthfully, I was uncertain about both of them, but really wanted some guidance. I was in the middle of some major decisions and needed the help. 

“Ok, Ned. I really need to get back in there with my attendees. I’ll get back to you in the next day or two.” 

I spent the next week going back and forth… then I dragged it into two weeks… then three. 

I eventually chose to work with Ned and sent him the $10,000. 

3 months later I was frustrated and disappointed. I knew the money was non-refundable, so I made the best of it and carried on. 

A few years later, I got an email from Brendon Burchard’s office. 

“Joshua, Brendon would like to invite you to be part of his Private Client Group. There will be 7 of you in the group. The fee is $60,000.” 

I immediately replied back. 

“I’m all in.” 

Just like that. No hesitation. No wondering. No fussing. 

I was all in. 

Now, what made the difference in these two situations? 

It is the same magic element in all major decisions you… and every other human on the planet… has ever made. 

Once you know how to activate this key ingredient, it becomes soooo much easier to land great clients and soooo much easier to create really persuasive copy and campaigns for them. 

The magic ingredient is: TRUST. 

How do you build trust? 

And how can you create instant trust… especially online, where there’s lots of competition? 

Here are the 3 secrets to creating instant trust… 

First - All Initial Trust Is Based on Similarities

I won’t get into the deep psychology here, but just think about anyone you trust. 

It is almost always based on similarities. 

When you meet someone for the first time, what kinds of questions do you ask? 

“Where are you from?” 

“What kind of work do you do?” 

“Do you have a children?”  (Well, that’s one I always ask… hahaha) 


And why do we ask those kinds of questions? 

Because we are sorting for similarities. We want to make a connection. 

So, demonstrate that you are similar to someone and they will instantly feel like they can trust you a little more. 

Second - Deep Trust Is Based On Desired Outcomes

Here’s what I mean… 

In high school, I was on the swim team and then on a local community swim club. 

I loved the water. 

I really loved the feeling of going fast in the water. I still do! 

Now, suppose that Michael Phelps, the world’s fastest swimmer in the history of anything, showed up on my door one day and said, “Joshua, I want to teach you how to swim really fast.” 

What would I do? 

I would say, “Yes!” 


Because Michael has something I want… and a proven track record to deliver on it… so I’m going to trust him with my swimming stroke. 

Notice that it was based on a desired outcome I had AND his ability to help me get that. 

Third - Lifetime Trust is Based on Love

I’m not talking only about romantic love. 

I’m talking about love as an action verb. 

A great marriage… and great relationships… are all based on the fact that you’ve found someone who is willing to put you, your needs, your dreams above theirs. 

They know you - flaws and all - and still want to be with you, serve you, lift you up, cry with you in hard times, and all those kinds of things. 

Love is selfless. 

It overwhelms and warms us when we find people that are happy to give to us and serve us unconditionally. 

And, nothing else creates more trust than this. 

Now, consider how you can one or all of these three keys to building trust.

You can do this in your copy, on your website, in 1-1 interactions… anywhere you are dealing with and persuading others. 


$ 0.00
Avatar for Preacherman
3 years ago


Wonderful article about this matter... Go ahead bro..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great information about this article my Dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Trust is really important in every areas of life

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And that's the truth. Thanks for the comment

$ 0.00
3 years ago