Dreams to remember

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Avatar for Pouki
Written by
3 years ago

Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay 

Some of the older one may remember the song by Milli Vanilli “dreams to remember”. Some of you haven’t heard of it – I suggest you will. So, listening today this song, I felt the urge to write about this subject.

All of us have dreams to remember. Dreams that never came true, or wonderful dreams we used to have but not anymore? And I’m not talking only for the love matter.

It’s summer now, many of us have dreams to remember about unique vacations we had, and we think about them feeling nostalgy. Friends we might have lost, been apart many years, don’t even speak with them, a love we had, and we are not together anymore, still those vacations were so magnificent and we know that we won’t have them again.

Photo by Shazmyn Ali on Unsplash

Dreams to remember from our childhood, when our mom used to hug us in the bed, and we smelled her perfume. Now we watch her as an old lady, and this if we are lucky – some of us may are unfortunate and lost her, so the dream is very painful.

Photo by Nickolas Nikolic on Unsplash

Dreams with our dad from our childhood, trying to teach us how to ride a bike, or how to swim, or how to anything – he was, is and always be our superhero of our hearts, the one and only who can achieve anything… Now, if we are lucky and still have him, we help him sometimes even with small things because he is old and he doesn’t have the strength he used to have.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Dreams from our children when they were babies, or very small… how the reacted, their laughs, their games, their joy, their everything. Now we see them grownups and a sweet melancholy is there in our hearts – when did the years passed?

Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

Dreams with our brothers/sisters when we were younger. How is our relationship now with them? Were we happy, or not? Are we still being? Do we still see them as our anchor that bonds us with our family except parents?

Photo by Felipe Salgado on Unsplash

We still remember old relationships, old marriages, old friends… How we used to love them, we tend to remember of course only the good times, and bury the bad ones. Why and how we end up here not talking with them? Divorce them? Broke up with them? What if they still were in our lives? What are they doing now? How are their lives? Especially if our life is not “fully”, then dreams like that are coming more often, as we try to feel less alone, less painful, and so on.

Photo by Alejandra Quiroz on Unsplash

Last but not least…dreams to remember, about what we were dreaming for our lives. What were the dreams we had when we were young, which one of them is succeed, which one never fulfilled, if we managed to make our life at about 60-70% as we dreamt it or it’s in the opposite completely side (-20% let’s say) and so on…?

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

When we dream all the past, do we feel sad, or joy? It depends on the day/mood? Generally, we enjoy traveling back or not?

picture from pxfuel.com

The song is over, and so my today’s dreams to remember…what about you?

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Avatar for Pouki
Written by
3 years ago


Lots of dreams I have had. It changes as the years go by. Some I have forgotten. My dream now is to grow old somewhere quite and peaceful enjoying myself among nature. Before that, it is my dream to travel the world :)

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3 years ago