Poorboycrypto's Top 5 Ways to earn crypto for free(Little to no cost)

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3 years ago

At the beginning of the year I released a video on the top 5 ways to earn crypto for free or at little to no cost. These obviously require some effort and time but require little or no investment of cash or crypto. This list has taken into consideration the earnings from 2020 and the potential for 2021. Here is that video or continue on the read more about it.

So you might be asking how did I come to decide which ways to earn crypto were the best in my humble opinion? Well I created a simple scoring system that allowed me to rank the over 60 projects (Including read.cash) in order. From highest to lowest. I was also able to eliminate many for various reason. Such as the crypto being unavailable yet to use (Projects in early phases like Pi network) or projects I have never used or tried. (Like Splinterlands). Unfortunately I just don't have enough time to review every single way to earn crypto. Below is my scoring system explained.

  • Gains ?/6 - How large or small are the potential earnings. (extra point for importance)

  • Reliability ?/5 - Is it secure and safe? Does it have bugs or is it down frequently.

  • Entertainment ?/5 - Do you enjoy using it? Does it seem like a grindfest? Are you excited to use it each day?

  • User Friendly ?/5 - Does it have a simple, appealing or easy to use interface? Is it intuitive and accessible for the average person?

  • Usability ?/5 - Does the Crypto you earn have a use? Does it have a low withdraw limit? Is it easy to withdraw and exchange?

  • My score ?/5 - Mostly based on my thoughts and experiences. I also include miscellaneous factors.

First I'd like to note some honorable mentions. These projects were close to the top but for one reason or another were not able to push onto the list.

Honorable mentions:

CryptoTab - A browser that uses your PC power to earn you BTC.

Read.cash - This great Blogging site is growing on me and it's earning potential is great!

Splinterlands - I constantly see and hear great things about this game. I shall try it soon.

Crypto Dynsasty - This game still earns, however the amount has started to slow down some.

Pi Network - A project with great potential but crypto unavailable to use yet.


In 5th place we have LBRY or as it is now known as Odysee. This video viewing platform is not only censorship resistant but decentralized to a degree. When using this platform you can earn crypto via various rewards, such as daily viewings. This means you can earn Crypto for watching some of your favorite content creators!

Gains 4/6                User Friendly 5/5

Reliability 4/5                 Usability 4/5

Entertainment 5/5          My score 5/5

To earn crypto that has use and value for watching videos I would normally watch on Youtube is amazing, The concept and tech behind this is very cool and I'm very excited to see how big and far it can grow in the future. A couple drawbacks are that rarely it can be a little slow. Additionally a content creator has much more earnings potential than an average viewer.


Publish0x comes in at 4th place. Publish0x is a blogging platform that rewards you in various Cryptos for not only writing and blogging. It also rewards you for reading them. A huge collection of writers blog regularly and it's a vast resource for learning an discovering new things about Crypto, among other things!

Gains 5/6                   User Friendly 5/5

Reliability 5/5                    Usability 4/5

Entertainment 4/5            My score 5/5

Many loyal to read.cash may disagree and while I believe that read.cash is an awesome platform. These platforms are similar but they are also different. The UI on Publish0x makes it a much more enjoyable place to write and read. I also prefer the ERC20s (there) over BCH rewards(here) even if it is a small matter. This is how Publish0x edges out it's competition. FYI I regularly use both and don't view them as competitors but rather as important individual tools in my toolbelt.


In 3rd place falls the Coinbase Earn program. This earn program held within the Coinbase exchange allows you to not only earn Crypto but learn about it as well. The simple program has paid out great value not only in Crypto but knowledge as well.

Gains 6/6               User Friendly 5/5 

Reliability 4/5                 Usability 5/5

Entertainment 4/5         My score 5/5

Coinbase is one of the most popular exchanges in the world. It's easy to use and the earn program adds new ways to earn regularly. KYC and centralization will be a turn off for some. Additionally the exchange has been known to "go offline" at key times in price jumps of Crypto.


Brave Browser holds the #2 spot. Previously it was #1. This means we have a new Champ! The brave Browser is an amazing browser. It's fast it's secure and you earn Crypto (BAT) will doing it. Once it's set up you hardly notice it earning you crypto!

Gains 5/6              User Friendly 5/5

Reliability 5/5               Usability 5/5

Entertainment 4/5       My Score 5/5

Brave browser allowed me to gain a huge amount of Crpyto in 2020. Considering I spent 0 to start and continue to earn it. It's also an awesome browser on it's own. The referral system was a great bonus and when they incorporate their new referral system I'm sure it will be profitable as well. While many claim Cryptotab to be more profitable. It's simply not as good of a browser as Brave is. This is why it edges out the competition.


And the winner is....

Axie Infinity! This game is simply awesome. It's enjoyable, it's profitable, it's a leader in the space and has so much more coming in it's future. You take your collectable Axie (NFT) and fight them in adventure (pve) and arena (pvp). Each Axie has it's own unique characteristics and appearance. As you play you earn Crypto (SLP). Your Axie can be sold, bred and much more. The Future of this game looks bright as they are adding a large amount of updates including community governance and more!

Gains 6/6              User Friendly 4/5

Reliability 5/5               Usability 5/5

Entertainment 5/5       My Score 5/5

Axie Infinity embodies so many of the best aspects of Crypto into a game. It has many qualities that encourage you to collect, breed and fight. There is also Land game play coming and with the AXS token you can stake and earn rewards from game interactions. This will also allow governance and more. The game currently can be very profitable and I see only more in it's future. A couple drawbacks are new users trying to onboard as buying Axie to start is not free. However with the community driven scholarship program many users are able to start for free now. Additionally with current Eth gas cost some gameplay can be hard to accomplish. These will both be corrected in the future with updates however.

Well I hope you like my list. Please feel free to tell me your thoughts and how you would rate your favorite projects.

I have videos on these platforms. You can find videos on the Top 5 and discover in more detail how they work.

Poorboycrypto YouTube     Poorboycrypto Bittube       Poorboycrypto LBRY

Until Next time, Get claiming!

$ 5.27
$ 5.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @AA-Admiral
$ 0.01 from @Dr.Mfon
Avatar for Poorboycrypto
3 years ago


Danke endlich etwas für mich werde etwas für mich definitiv finden und Dir in Zukunft folgen

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Danke endlich etwas für mich werde etwas für mich definitiv finden und Dir in Zukunft folgen

Gern geschehen. Ich bin froh, dass es geholfen hat. (gebrauchter Übersetzer)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much for the content, I will give a try on Axie. Do you have any ref link?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No referral link. None needed the game is awesome. :-)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Is Axie Infinity an app or site? I want that hehe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's an app that you can download from Axieinfinity.com. Works on PC, Android, and I believe IOS too. You also interact with the website and I definitely recommend using the discord too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Is there a fee? needed to aquire 3 axies

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, you need to buy 3 axie. However there is a scholarship program you can join and start playing for free. Additionally there is going to be more methods of joining for free in the future.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is informative, am looking for someone who will teach me all about cryptocurrency.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

this is a great list 😁, also I am now following you, looking to see maybe more interesting content from you. 👍

also I'm slightly more biased/tilted towards read.cash, since this is where I started out in my crypto journey, but also looking forward to exploring more and other platforms soon 🏃🛣️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, tho I only publish bi weekly on here. I try to as much as I can. TY, I appreciate the feedback.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sir may I apply as your axie scholar, there so many reasons why I want to play axie infinity. but I hope you notice me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

no problem 🙂👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks my dear friend your content is great . you are doing great my dear friend . i liked your work and your great research wow dude your research is really great . i would like to upvote your great content.

$ 0.00
3 years ago