Michael Pacquiao - Top Trend in Youtube PH

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3 years ago

Michael Pacquiao,the second son of our People's champ Manny Pacquiao was making his own name by the way of his music.

The 18 year old Michael Pacquiao recently breaks the Youtube Ph and shock us by showing his Rap skills and talent.He performed his song 'HATE' on the famous Bus on Wish 107.5 and got the peoples attention.

That the song was referring to all the haters and the hatred nowadays.

Youtube Ph made his performance as Top 3 Trend in the past week.Many of us was waiting more about the path of his music to how as far can it goes.

Maybe he can show us more,not as boxing related but his talent and way of his music that can be related inspire and motivate other people to show also the talent they have.

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