This is little STORY of my land . You must visit for sure.
This is my land ❤
⭕ When I am preparing for #hiking in the summer months and in the mountains with large sections in the clearing and without shade, I pay special attention to carrying a sufficient amount of water. Water should be drunk a little, not splashing a liter of water at once, which can create major problems for the body. What I also practice is naturally acidic water (not artificially carbonated). It gives the body the necessary minerals and refreshes incredibly well, it speeds up my digestion, and it is a complete experience when I cool it at the spring, so I drink it, not icy, from my pot on the polka dots. And of course, I buy homemade sour water. I like OASIS the most So last weekend I joked a whole liter and a half, during a wonderful hike with my friends and grandmother on the mountain Treskavica. Here is the Oasis on Mala Ćaba (2086 m above sea level). And of course, I pay attention to the old one: "Don't hot cold water."
⭕ Kada se spremam za planinarenje u ljetnim mjesecima i na planine sa velikim dionicama na čistini i bez hlada, obraćam posebnu pažnju na nošenje dostatne količine vode.Vodu treba piti pomalo, a ne sljuštriti litar vode odjednom, što može stvoriti velike probleme tijelu. Ono što, također, praktikujem je prirodno kisela voda (ne vještački gazirana). Daje organizmu potrebne minerale i nevjerovatno dobro osvježava, pospješuje mi varenje, a potpun je doživljaj kad je rashladim na izvoru pa je, ne ledenu, popijem iz svog lončića na tufnice.
I naravno, kupujem domaću kiselu vodu.
Tako sam i proteklog vikenda salio cijelih litar i pol, tokom divnog planinarenja sa mojim prijateljima i babom na planinu Treskavicu. Evo Oaze na Maloj Ćabi (2086 mnv).
I svakako, pazim na onu staru: "Nemoj vruć hladne vode."
Wow those photos are really beautiful