Give me 3 minutes
"Hey google! Set timer to three minutes"
And google starts my phone timing me for three minutes. Let us see how far I can go with typing freely for three minutes.
I am contemplating on going up to login for work or to stay in the parking lot for a while and maybe open the laptop as I sip my morning coffee. I will still be able to carry out my tasks then without having to rush my morning cup.
Then again, if things get a little too serious and would need to have some phone calls, I might end up sitting in my car in the parking lot, engine off and sweating like a there is no tomorrow.
But i will be relaxed and enjoying every sip of my hot coffee. Haha.
That is how far 3 minutes took me. Not enough time, eh? Maybe next time I will be doing 5 minutes. But I also want to havea topic to free type about.
Have you tried timed writing? If so, how was it? Do share your experience down at the comment section.
I may need to revisit sites with suggested topics and try those. It will probably end up a wacky piece from me. And i would be apologizing in advance.
Aside from the sites that suggests topic, you might have a topic in mind? Care to jot them down in the comment section as well?
Thank you.
Anyway, gotta get on with my day.
Will catch you later..
..... pichi28
Edited thi portion as I accidentally mentioned someone. Huhu ..
If there is a timer I guess I can't write better 😅.