Why sunset is my fave time of the day~

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"Just like the sunrise symbolizes the start of the day and a new beginning, sunset symbolism indicates the completion of a cycle and an end to the proceedings. It’s commonly present together with the sunrise symbolism because they form an entity, a cycle. They happen each day, and there’s no changing that, which is typical of the force of Nature that they both are."

-by Christopher

I really do love taking photography on my mobile phone, even though the pixels are lesser than the actual camera. Taking views of sceneries and things that we see in our daily life. Flowers, skies and portraits of people.

But most of all, I love taking photos of Sunset on different hues and colors, I'm really amaze on how it changes day by day. How the colors sometimes are light and then dark on the next day. Whether sunset may be seen daily, it still give me some chills on how beautiful it is.

Why is sunset so beautiful anyways?

"Science tells us that the essence of a beautiful sunset is in the cloud layer — specifically the clouds at the upper and lower levels. The brilliant colors that are reflected in the clouds take on the red and orange hues of the setting sun."

Sunset happens on a natural basis on our nature... It's a natural phenomenon that happen to show us how wonderful and beautiful our home is, Earth.

(HERE ARE SOME OF MY SUNSET PHOTOGRAPHY 😁 I personally own every photo in here 😄 you also can see some of my photography on my NOISECASH ACCOUNT: https://noise.cash/u/PhotoandSappy )

Just some streets view
In the mountain sunset 📸
Pink sunset rays ❣️
Neighborhood sunset photography 📸
And ofcourse, my favorite sunset photography I took, Beach Sunset ❣️

I always love taking picture of the colors of different moods of sunsets. And my photography above are the examples of it. I am always a "look at the sky"-"look at the clouds"-"look at the moon and stars"-type of a person. I really do appreciate things in nature especially natural sceneries one can witness anytime. My favorite muse will always be sunset, because of its beauty and how it calms me. :)

"Sunsets are mysterious. There’s a sense of calmness and the calming and warm colors have a sense of mystery about them. It’s compelling to observe the beauty of a sunset and take in the last breaths of a day, which means that this event can be inspiring for many people who observe it." -by Christopher ❣️

If you search about the meaning of sunset on google, it'll bring you to different sites explaining how they perceive sunsets in life, love and adventures.

People do have a different perspective about sunset, and one of them is this one which is my favorite description of all ;

As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said:

'“Every sunset brings the promise of a new day”. This sense of anticipation of what comes after the sunset brings a sense of mystery to it. '

Sunset gives hope onto people. It is considered as the most beautiful ending one can witness. It is beautiful no matter what, my mood maybe down sometimes but when it's sunset I literally just stare and it and my mood finally lifts up 100%.

“When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.”

-Mahatma Gandhi

There maybe lots of types of sunset view, view on the streets, on a beach while you're walking, outside your house, and just when your at the top of the mountain enjoying the godlike scenery nature gives. And all of them, I love it.

Sunset is the representation of an ending with beauty, the representation of another chance for tomorrow's challenge. And even tells you that "that's all for today. You need to rest now." type of reminder. It is a natural Godlike art that reminded people how great things is, and even how can an ending be so beautiful. :)

Sunsets do partake in our life, really. It helps us look forward to the end of the day, and gives us hope for tomorrow's blessing. So, that's all the reason why I really love taking photos of how the sun sets, and watching how the colors disperse in the sky is my favorite time of the day. :)

"When the sun finally sets for the day,

It glows through the surrounding showing its rays,

Yellow, Pink, Orange, and sometimes its Red

That's how God paints it, the color of its end

Sunset is the representation of beauty,

Ending so gracefully, ending so naturally

No one can neglects its wonders,

And sometimes beautiful ending for wanderers. "

-Sunsets are for wanderers

Short Poem written by yours truly (PhotoandSappy)

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @LykeLyca


Beautiful photos and shots of sunset. I made an article here too about sunsets months ago..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much! Really? Maybe I should check it out as well!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago