How to stop yourself from being selfish
For time to time, everyone is expected to be selfish. While it may be promoted by certain facets of our culture, selfishness affects others, often for little or no personal benefit. An egotistical individual often ends up losing friends or loved ones because no matter how charming or engaging an egotistical individual may be, a relationship with an egotistical person is hard to sustain. If you're worried that you're too selfish, and you want to be on the path to gratitude, and humility, then you can do these things.
Pay your undivided attention to others.
Remember that, to be a good listener, you have to let go of your own beliefs, even only for a moment. You can't plan your next move, or think about how your own perspective is better or more worthwhile when someone else is talking. Listening to the people around us truly promotes closer, less egoistic relations.
Place the rest of your needs.
Sometimes doing what another person needs, and not what you want ultimately also keeps your needs satisfied. Do you really care about what you're eating for dinner? Is there really a need to do the laundry now when a good game is on? Most times, we waste our time on only making a point of being right, when the thing is, there's typically more than one right path anyway.
Remember that things happen to everyone
Whenever you're tempted to judge someone or act unkindly, remember that there's life outside that checkout line or highway and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Getting off my elevated horse.
It’s crucially worth repeating that nobody is more important than anyone else in this world. Everyone, in their own way, is talented, passionate, and kind.
Constantly checking in with yourself.
Egoism is like any other bad habit, it can be difficult to leave! Try to check with yourself consistently and reflect on how your attitude has been lately, so that you can adjust where necessary.
Does not get stuck in the past.
Know that even if you've behaved selfishly in the past, that doesn't make you a bad person. People can change, and you too can. You have to leave your past in your path in order to start moving forward in a more positive direction.
People could get selfish from the habit of greed.