Whatever his name, we are all the same God πŸ™

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Avatar for Philip30
3 years ago

there are once a child who go to a barber shop. the barber asked the child

BARBER: do you believe in god?

CHILD: yes .

BARBER: why do you believe in god? if there is god there will be no problem, peace is every where, and no sickness .

CHILD: i don't believe in babrbers .

BARBER: I'm a barber , why dont you believe in me?

CHILD: if there's a barber , there will be no long hair and messy hair .

BARBER: it's because they dont like to change their hair , they dont want to come to me to get their hair cutted .

CHILD: same with god, how can he change their lives if they don't want to come to him. god is everywhere, he only wait for us.

no matter what are religion is, ni matter what we believe in, even if we worship on statue or image and even if we have different beliefs, WE ONLY HAVE ONE GOD .


Agnosticism is the view that the truth of metaphysical claims regarding, in particular, the existence of a god or gods, or even ultimate reality, is unknown and may be impossible to know. One can be an agnostic as well as an atheist or religious believer.


Atheism describes a state of having no theistic beliefs; that is, no beliefs in gods or supernatural beings.


The Baha'i Faith began in Persia in 1844 with the declaration of a new religion, distinctive from the Shi'a Islam found there. Key beliefs include belief in one God; the unity of mankind; equality of opportunity for men and women; and elimination of prejudice.


A way of living based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. The Five Precepts are the basic rules of living for lay Buddhists – refrain from harming living beings; taking what is not given; sexual misconduct; harmful speech; and drink or drugs which cloud the mind.


Based on the teaching of Jesus Christ. Christian groups differ in their interpretation of his teaching, life, death and resurrection, but these matters are at the heart of the way of life of all of them. What Christians believe...


Humanism is the belief that we can live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs. Humanists make sense of the world using reason, experience and shared human values and aim to make the best of the life we have by creating meaning and purpose for ourselves. Humanists work with others for the common good. [symbol Β© British Humanist Association].


An ancient tradition of related beliefs and practices that developed in the Indian subcontinent. Core ideals and values shared by most Hindus would include respect for elders; reverence for teachers; regard for guests and tolerance of all races and religions. What Hindus believe...


Revealed in its final form by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The essentials of Muslim practice are summarised in the five pillars of Islam – declaration of faith; ritual prayer; welfare; a month of fasting during Ramadan; and pilgrimage. What Muslims believe...


An ancient philosophy and ethical teaching that originated in India. The main principle is ahimsa – the avoidance, where possible, of physical or mental harm to any living being. Jainism is a religion without a belief in a creator god.


Based around the Jewish people's covenant relationship with God. Jews believe they are challenged and blessed by God. Love of one's neighbour is the great principle of social life and the founding inspiration of the Jewish community. What Jews believe...


The religion founded by Guru Nanak in India in the 15th Century CE. There is one God, people should serve by leading a life of prayer and obedience. Sikhs believe their soul then passes through various existences and will become one with God.


Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in ancient times by the prophet Zarathushtra, who taught that Ahura Mazda (Lord of Wisdom), the all powerful and perfect creator, grants humans Vohu Manah – a clear rational mind with which to dispel ignorance.

so na matter what are reliogion is, skin color, nation, gender and beliefs we are all child of god. dont talk about the god and beliefs of other religions cause you might end up talking about your god too.

all creatures in this world is god made. πŸ™

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Avatar for Philip30
3 years ago


God is always watching us and he loves us.God created people to have a loving relationship with Him. God reveals Himself to us as our heavenly Father and calls us His sons and daughters, His very children. God desires a family relationship with us, with His showing love to us and our showing love to Him.We should always try to remain happy,Nice article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

AMEN . lets praise the lord for he created us as one . because of him we understand each other . because his love makes us one .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah,let's keep praising him because,we are nothing without him .He made us from nothingness so let's keep praying and thinking good.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well written and unique topic. Every religion has their own god and they respect him. I'm a muslim and I respect other religion as well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

there are many Muslim here in Philippines, i have a workmate Muslim and we get a Long, we have nice time sometimes we drink but only with a chicken . ☺️☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

that is right, even potato belongs to God creator also all animals, humans and all universe. Lets keep believeing that one day, will be only one religion and that will solve religion wars problems

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow ! that will be so nice . i think peace will easily come when that time come .

$ 0.00
3 years ago