There are many different human needs in our lives. The most obvious ones are the basic needs. We cannot survive without food and drink and we also need cloths to wear and of course shelter above our heads. Then there are psychological needs such as autonomy, competence and relatedness. It is possible to balance personal needs, psychology, and society. Cultivate an open attitude about your personal responsibility, positive attitude and social skills. Learn how to focus on what you need, rather than what your needs want.
This will help you in your quest for freedom. You will find that some things are better left unsaid, but as you grow in power and wisdom, you can begin to speak more freely about them. In this article I am going to talk about those three human needs, that I have already mentioned above, because I think they significantly help you to progress forward in your life.
Personal Responsibility
You are responsible for your own life. Your life belongs to you and you have a duty of care towards it. In our society you have certain rights and you can take certain actions. It is not the place of the government to tell you what to do with your life. The law is for the protection of the weak, but it is not meant to enslave you.
It is up to you whether you wish to use it or not. You must exercise personal responsibility at all times. When you make a choice you must accept the consequences of that choice. I am not talking about making a bad choice, I am talking about choosing the action itself.
For example, you should learn to wake up early everyday. Do not wait until the last moment, as this makes it difficult to get into a rhythm. I always allow plenty of time for myself to get ready for whatever I have to do. When making a choice, you should ask yourself: "What is the best thing I can do with this situation?"
Most people wait until they are in a jam to decide what to do, but I think you should be better prepared for that scenario. We all have temptations in our lives. Do not wait for these temptations to be thrust in your face. Be alert and prepared for them. This will keep you out of trouble.
Positive Attitude
Have a positive attitude. If you have a positive attitude about even the toughest situations, then you will be fine. Your attitude is something, that you can choose to increase or decrease at any moment. If you have a negative attitude during the times that you need it most, then how can you expect to deal with positive situations?
The negative situations will seem much worse and you will probably give up altogether. Always think of the best possible outcome in all situations. Do not give up, this is a powerful tool for getting through life.
Social Skills
Start building up your social skills as soon as you can. You do not need to be a people person, in fact people with large social skills tend to have more problems, than those without. Also be cordial to everyone you meet, remember that they are not your enemies. Occasionally you may even bump into someone, who can be of assistance to you in the future. Most people are happy to help out a fellow intelligent being, and if they are not, then they are not worth your time.
Listen To Others: This seems like a very basic skill, but it is very useful. Whenever you can, listen to what others have to say before speaking. I have seen many times where people ignored this rule and it has hurt other people. You never know when someone else knows more than you do, or has a better suggestion in a certain situation.
Work With Others: In order to become an independent person with your own place, you need to work with others. This can be difficult especially when you are shy, but it is a vital part of life. You must make friends with other people if you want to get ahead. I have tried to become as self sufficient as possible, but there are some things, that only people together can accomplish. Working with others doesn't mean you have to be best friends. Sometimes working with others is just the best way to complete a task.
Take Turns When You Talk: One of the worst conversationalists you can be, when you monopolize. When you monopolize the conversation you talk too much and never listen to the others. I have a friend like that. It can be so annoying, when you want to say something and people cut in your words and don't let you speak. So don't be that person. Take turns in what you say. Listen to others before speaking. And never monopolize the conversation.
Be Specific: Most people are not very good at guessing what you mean, when you use vague wording. Be more specific so that people can understand you better. It isn't always necessary to use too much detail, but it can really help if you do. They not only understand you better, but you save yourself some questions, that they want you to explain, because they don't have the whole picture about what you have to say.
Be Open Minded: You have to be open minded about the things, that others say. Sometimes they will say something completely off topic, but it's important that you listen to them. On the other hand sometimes, something they say is actually very important and you need to listen to it. It is also important, that you don't believe everything you hear. For example, don't just believe everything a con man tells you. It's a common mistake for people to do that, but when it comes down to it, you have to make your own decisions on what is best for you and what is not.
Get Along With Others Better: Most of the time it is not about you, it's about them. Most people aren't thinking about you at all and don't care about how you are doing. They have their own problems and their own concerns. Try to remember that most of the time. Think of yourself as one of the crowd. Don't draw attention to yourself and don't needlessly annoy others. If you do, you will find, that others will most likely do the same to you. You don't only need their respect, but you need their cooperation as well to achieve your goals. In time, you will find, that you get along with many others better as well. This is just another life skill, that will serve you well.
Stay Calm With Others: You get frustrated when you work with others and they can't seem to follow simple instructions. You can't tell, if their intentions are pure or if they are trying to cheat. Some people are like this. It's best to just ignore them and stay focused on the task at hand. If you get too angry, you will do sloppy work and make more mistakes, which isn't good. The last thing you need is sloppy work and more red tape to deal with. On the other hand, if you remain calm, others will follow your lead and you won't have to keep repeating yourself.
To Finish It Off
Keep these things in front of your eyes and always remember, which need or skill you want to use and when. It will make your life a lot easier. These needs and skills can help you move forward in your life and progress faster. I hope you enjoyed this article. Thank you for reading and see you in the next one.
Love your lead image which it says "It starts with you". It reminded me that everything starts within us, and the improvements that we want to make for ourselves and to work better for our responsibilities.