Use Literature For Better Connection With Others

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
2 years ago

Unlike the internet, literature is an equal entity. It's not just text. It's much more. It teaches the reader, it tells stories, it relates. It can make anyone laugh or cry. It can make us remember or forget. It can make everyday hardships much easier to bear. It's a medium, that can help ease tensions with others or make new friends. It's something, that everyone can enjoy. Those who were born into a generation, that relies more and more on technology often struggle to communicate and establish a connection with people of other generations.

Though this might seem paradoxical, there are a number of ways to successfully navigate this barrier from a literary perspective. When we talk about reading, we sometimes think we not only learn about the lives and thoughts of other people, we need to know the right answers, or we're not doing it right. The biggest reason why people can feel distant from others is due to the lack of human interaction. However, the best way to solve this dilemma is by embracing literature.

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Why Is Literature Effective In Connection With Others?

The power of literature is that it can teach us about anything. It can teach us facts, it can teach us about history, it can teach us about science, it can even teach us about geography, but it is not just about teaching us. Literature connects people on an emotional level. It helps people understand themselves more and others better. This is what makes it so unique. There is also a certain amount of "magic", that accompanies it. This is something, that is lost on those, who are born into the current era. A new kind of illiterate has emerged. Not one who can't read, but one who cannot understand the language of the books they've read.

There's a difference. This is a very relatable distinction. Think about it. Can you think of any other method of communication, that is as personal and individual as our written language? It's true, even the sounds, that we make can be unique to us. But the written word can reveal so much about what someone thinks, it's like a secret language of sorts, an unspoken vocabulary. Because of this, literature is one of the most powerful unifying factors in society. It's what brings people together. It's what can make or break friendships. It's what can make or break careers. It's what can keep people sane.

Connection Through Writing

One of the most important things to note about connection through writing is that it is a two-way street. Our reactions to writing can reveal a lot about who we are and how we're feeling. We might not always realize it, but our own writing and that of our peers is a window into our own psyches. This is the reason, that literature is so important, because it exists to teach us about ourselves.

There is also another important distinction to be made here. When we are writing, we are not just revealing who we are. We are creating who we are. This is what writers do best! It is an inherently creative act and all literature, in one form or another, is inherently creative.

What Are The Three R's?

The three R's of writing are:

  • Reveal: This is the process through, which we give our perspective on the world.

  • Reveal the character: This is the way through, which we show our own personality traits.

  • Reveal the setting: This is the method through, which we tell where it is we are at any given moment.

The Reveal Method

The reveal method is used to create a sense of immediacy and realism. It is often used in mysteries and thrillers, because it is one of the best methods for creating suspense. It is also, as we've seen, an excellent method for exploring the self. But it's not just a good method for creating a mystery or a thriller. It's a great method for creating just about anything. This is why it is the most commonly used method in writing. The three R's are used together to create what we are calling an "ideal experience." It is a way for the reader/listener/viewer to become completely invested in the story.

Reveal The Character

Character development is a large part of writing. It's not just about giving a character motivation, it's about giving a character a personality, that the reader can latch onto. It's about developing a character in a way, that makes them engaging and interesting, while still being relatable and understandable.

The best way to do this is through characterization. You can look at a character and decide, based off of a few traits, that they are most likely to do this, or that, or the other. It's a relatively simple method of characterization, that can be done by anyone. The hard part is actually doing it well.

The best way to do that is to write a lot. You get to know your characters. Often the character can be ourselves and that way we show our own personality. The trick is to just let yourself go out there and write. Don't worry about perfection. Just write and write and write. Before you know it, you will make connection with people.

Reveal The Setting

The setting is another large part of a story. It can be as simple as setting a story in an exotic location, or it can be setting it in a realistic location with non-standard elements added. In other words, it can be anything that makes the story unique.

The setting also serves a dual purpose. Not only does it provide a unique backdrop for your story, but it also helps to advance the plot. Here we also can use our own location and reveal the details about it. For example, you could have a character be driving through the town of your setting, and instead of just focusing on the generic "town" setting, you could say that it's a "small town" in a particular state, or in the south of the United States, or in Europe, or any other type of non-standard setting. Just like with character, you can reveal things about the setting as well.

Literature To Build Relationship

Now that we've discussed the importance of writing and the differences between it and other forms of communication, there's another important distinction, that needs to be made. While writing is a way for you to communicate with the world, it is not the only way. Reading, listening, and viewing can all be equally valid ways to experience and communicate with the written word.

You've already seen, that listening is a way to experience the story, through the use of the third-person point of view. The third-person point of view is used primarily through listening. As the reader, you get to decide what the character thinks, which is usually done through inference and for the most part, only when the character is not speaking.

The primary way in which you experience the story is through the eyes of the protagonist. From this point of view, you can control the story, and decide the direction it takes. You can try various ways to go, and select the one that feels most natural and/or effective.

As the writer, you can choose what the reader focuses on. You can tell the reader what to pay attention to, the things that are relevant and the things that can be ignored or dismissed. The reader's perspective is, in a word, "free." You do not have to reveal everything, and you are only limited by your own imagination. While writing is a creative act, it is not the only creative act. The reader has a choice in how they experience the story, and it is up to them to decide how they experience it.

There is a reason why writing is often taught as a "skill", rather than a "vocation." It is because it is a skill that can be learned. Anyone can learn it. Writers, like other artists, are simply another group of people who can learn it. Master it by learning and practicing. It will make anyone a perfect writer and be able to make better connection with others through literature.

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
2 years ago


I can relate to the "reveal your character", because here in i can be me i dont need to pretend anymore and when I write in this platform i no longer feel any hesitation and doubt to share most especially about my personal experiences in life that is why this platform became my hiding and comfort place whenever I want to pour out my true feelings.😊 Your article sir speaks volume, this is impressively done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right. That is one of the main point of this article to connect with others through writing. Thank you for reading.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Literature is actually a great source to provide us information about history, and to attach us with the people on emotional level. In short its importance can't be denied.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes a lot to be learned from it that's for sure.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's new to me, the 3 Rs :) Thank you for this Peter. And you are right, writing (and reading) without a doubt, connects us with others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This was well put together and it goes beyond what we know already... I love how you where up in our heads how we relate to every thing we write about and how our feelings and emotions comes into play.. Literature really has a lot to it, every newbie will find this Beneficial a lot because it opens our understanding to be better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your words and thanks for reading.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your right friend! Even what you are doing now, you're a writer and your good at it!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Writing at a professional level, I mean doing a novel, a script for a movie or a play, is not easy. It requires an imagination and a great deal of detail. Not everyone can do it. At least we have the opportunity to show our talent here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Of course that is a higher level of writing. Yes the good thing is, that we can write about anything and in any style here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago