Lies To Fool Ourselves With

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
3 years ago

Have you ever been confronted with lies? I'm sure everyone has at least once in their life experienced the unpleasant feeling of being lied to and having to face all sorts of things, that didn't cover the whole truth. I have no doubt, that you have lost trust in someone because of it.

What about when you lie to yourself? You may find yourself confronted with your own lies day after day in a way, that completely deceives you and you don't even realize, that you have lied to yourself.

In this article, I want to talk about some of the things, that happen to us often in our daily lives and it is very easy to fall into our own trap. My aim with this article is to wake people up to these things so that the next time they happen, you don't slip over them and don't even notice them, but you pay attention to them.

I will Do It Tomorrow

I can't imagine how many times I've said to myself, I'm not going to do this or that today, I'm going to leave it for tomorrow. Actually, people are afraid to face their own difficulties on some level and like to put things off as long as they can. We'll say I will do it tomorrow. We know, that tomorrow is not far away and it doesn't matter if something is not done today.

Then tomorrow comes, but by that time we may have accumulated a thousand other things, that should have been done a long time ago and that we consider more important, so we don't do them today, because we think that another day will always come and we will have the opportunity to do what we didn't do the day before.

I Don't Have Time

This is probably one of the most common things, that comes out of our mouths: I don't have time. Every day is 24 hours and everyone has the same amount of time, no more, no less. A good time management can help with this, if we pay attention to what we do, when we do it and for how long. Everyone prefers to do what makes for a more enjoyable pastime, but we know, that we have to leave time for the important things too.

If someone asked you if you did what you were supposed to do, you would probably say no, because you didn't have time. Ask yourself why you didn't have time. If you go home after school or work and spend your time checking your messages, which is fine, because you might have important messages among all the fun memes, but it's very easy to get distracted by scrolling through Facebook or Instagram or watching videos on YouTube.

In the afternoons after work, everyone has 5-6 hours of free time and if you can dedicate just one hour every day to the things you should be doing, but aren't having fun, you've already taken a huge step in a positive direction. Many times we don't even know what our time has gone for, we just realize that it's 10pm again and it's almost time to go to bed. If you write down at the end of each hour what you have done in that hour, you will realize, that you have wasted a lot of valuable time doing nothing.

Nothing Works For Me

This is an excuse to tell yourself, that you'd better not do anything, because you'll never succeed. It's usually said by people with a lack of self-confidence and the like. They keep saying it until they believe, that they are good at nothing and therefore don't start anything.

It's a big self-deception and a poor excuse. If you take a pen and paper right now and start writing down all the things you have achieved in your life so far, you will realize, how much you are lying to yourself by saying that. You've graduated from high school, you've successfully completed all your studies, you've had successful interviews and been hired for a job, you've got your license to drive a car, you've learned to cook, and there are countless examples of what you've been successful at. So why not succeed at anything in your life now.

I'm Too Old Or Too Young For This

It's never too late to start, or so they say you can't start early enough. OK do not have children at the age of 11 and you don't want more children at the age of 81. You're really too young or too old for that, although there have been an example of an 11 year old girl having a child.

If you want to start a business at 30 or 35, start it and don't think it's too late. Another thing. Some musicians start learning a musical instrument at the age of 4, but why is it too late to start at the age of 30. Some people are already in their twenties, when they are famous, but don't let that deter you from learning piano, because you're too old.

Start doing whatever you want to do, regardless of your age, and put in the work and effort and you will succeed. Believe me, it won't be too late.

I Will Not Change

I will never change. You've got that written all over you and you will live the rest of your life as you are and in the situation you are in. Every person can change if they want to, but it takes a lot of effort, energy and responsibility.

If you don't want to step out of your comfort zone and take the first steps to create a better future for yourself and take responsibility for facing difficulties, you won't change and your situation won't change for the better.

It Was Fate That It Should Be So

This reminds me of a funny thing. I saw a text message that said: "Fate wanted me to write you." And the reply was:"Then fate will be banned, not just you." That made me laugh.

All joking aside. It's okay for everyone to believe in something higher, in prophets, star signs or horoscopes, it's okay, because everyone believes in what they want and I don't want to interfere with that, but let's not think, that if something doesn't work out the way we planned it, that it's just fate and that's why it didn't work out.

We are just as much a part of our actions and our success is largely influenced by how and what choices we make. Fate will not always decide for us, we have to be there and do something about it.

I Need That Very Much Right Now

Many times I have said to myself, that I need a bar of chocolate, a bottle of wine, to get kicked out of my harness, things like that. I don't need them at all. They are just substitute actions, excuses to avoid facing the problem and to put it aside for a longer or a shorter period of time. It is not a solution, because the problem will not solve itself and will still be waiting for me after I have complied with the wishes.

I Do Not Need Help

There are situations, when it is difficult to get our way and we really need some help, but we still say no thanks I will solve it myself. If someone offers to help us, we must accept. Why put ourselves in a more difficult situation, than we are already in.

If we know, that we need help and we don't accept it, we do it out of pride and perhaps to prove to ourselves, that we can do the impossible on our own. People want to help us with a willingness and a good heart, let's accept it.

One of the last few days I saw a lady trying to carry her bike up the stairs. Without hesitation I offered her help, which she accepted immediately. This not only made her job easier, but also made me, the helper, feel good that I could help.

I Must Not Make Mistakes

It's silly. Just because we fear our failures and mistakes doesn't mean, that everything will work out perfectly. Sure, we should strive for perfection, but we shouldn't be scared, when we make mistakes. I do not want to repeat what I have already said in some of my articles and what others have said in theirs, I know it is boring, but we learn best from our mistakes. So dare to make mistakes and don't be afraid of failure.

I hope this article has been useful and you have recognized some of the things mentioned. If there are any, that I haven't written down, that you have encountered, please let me know in the comments. I'm curious to see what else we delude ourselves with besides these.

All image sources: Unsplash

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
3 years ago


I need help for sure. I want to stop liying to myself from here. I'm new to, I just wrote articles and I don't see it here supportive as in noise, but I think I need just to be more active and to comment more to be noticed. But anyway, I'm sure you know better than me. I've been on steem and hive for more than 4 years. But, I'm new here. Can you tell me the best tips to grow here ? Maybe I'll find something that will help me, so I'll not waste time in things not working here ?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello and nice to meet you. Every beginning is hard. It takes time to get noticed. Yes write regularly and write meaningful articles preferably longer than 3 minutes. Interact with other writers and leave related comments. Be active every day if you can. You will see you will grow. Be patient too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I particularly enjoyed this article as I could relate to most of the things that you’ve written. It’s so me especially when coming up on what article to write and then I tend to get too busy doing other things that in the end, I would end up with none, inspiration missing. 🥲

Hopefully I could get back on track and start writing again too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes because doing other things, that is more favourable to us is easier to do. You are not alone with this. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I’ve published a short one and it’s really been a while. :) I guess I just got too busy doing other stuff

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There you've said it. This is so accurate! I'm guilty with "i'll do it tomorrow" uwu. Well, I surely can manage my time well if I want to but procrastination is really my greatest enemy in here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is easy to do all these things. We all do them, but we can do better, lets working on it. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We gotta start working on it now. No more "i'll do it tomorrow". :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When I sit down in the evening and think about my day what I did I feel great about that I finished things that day and did not leave it for the next day.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It was really such a kind of accomplishment... when you won't have to think about it tomorrow coz you already did it today.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You said true last day i fill guilty about lie.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I said in the beginning of this article, that I try to help people to realize we all do these things. Thanks for reading.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Many times we are our own worst enemy. Many of us tend to impose obstacles on ourselves or create excuses for don't do things. Sometimes out of laziness or because we don't dare to do things for fear of making mistakes, as you've said. Nice reading. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes absolutely that is exactly what I meant. Thank you for reading and nice to meet you. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi as always I really enjoyed your article, yesterday I commented to a person that I don't lie, I give him permission to laugh.

And with your article I realized, that it is true I don't lie to others because I am too busy lying to myself, all absolutely all the points you mention identify me.

If that article you made it thinking about me at least give me credit hehehe, seriously speaking.

I am becoming your fan, thank you so much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh thank you so much. It is a nice feeling of being a person, who is admired, by another person. Now I know how famous people feel. Lol just kidding. I am far away of being famous. :)

I like to write this type of articles, because I get the ideas from real life, that could resonate with other people. Thanks again.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with you. We set so many obstacles for ourselves by setting limits on our desires. And putting aside the things we can achieve.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes we should focus more on we want to achieve and stop making up excuses. Thanks fore taking your time to read it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is not the time my dear friend. It's my internet. I have more than 100 post without being able to read. I can read some and suddenly the connection goes out and I have to insist but I get nothing. Until the next day. So the posts keep coming last unread. I feel so sorry for those of you who always read each other because it is very difficult to fight with the wifi. Sometimes I have to post several times and it remains in the air. Sometimes I vote and when I go to comment the connection goes down. And the post is too far away. It's terrible but I keep on fighting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have lots of articles to read too and I am so behind. You are not alone. It is good you are fighting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

But you have some time with problems in your connection too...I'm just catching up. I take advantage when the wifi is good to read as much as I can.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Right on the mark sir 😊. This remind me of my past self but after the biggest setback in my life I choose to change. Because that is the best thing to do. Failures are not there to make you suffer , they are there to build you stronger than before.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's very true. I am glad you changed. We have to stand up what ever happens to us and stay motivated. Thank you for reading.

$ 0.00
3 years ago