Achieving Great Success By Exceeding Expectations

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2 years ago

There are few things people cannot improve upon by just exceeding their own expectations. Expectations are a volatile thing. They can be good or bad, but they're always there, pushing us forward and pushing us back. So just imagine the power you might have when you exceed those expectations. There's something so special about exceeding expectations. When you provide extraordinary value to others, they're compelled to share your work.

Successful people start with a realistic expectation, but also has an understanding of the margin for error and the potential for success. They're not disappointed when their plans don't go as expected, because they knew the risks and understood the potential outcomes. When you exceed others' expectations, you create loyalty and word of mouth. When you exceed your own expectations, you find true freedom.

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What Is Exceeding Expectations

Exceeding expectations is a rather grand and all-encompassing phrase. It has a built-in margin of error, and a bit of leeway to work with. When you exceed your own expectations, you are usually pleasantly surprised by the results. When you exceed other people's expectations, it is often a much more intense experience. It's all a matter of perspective. Your own expectations are always there, influencing your thoughts and actions, but the way that they are manifested is up to you.

You can either let them hold you back and keep you within the limits of what is expected of you, or you can use them as a way to challenge yourself and push yourself beyond what is currently thought to be possible. It's also important to understand that you should not be afraid of exceeding your own expectations. There is usually a healthy amount of risk involved in such instances, but the rewards tend to be more substantial. The worst that could happen is that you will not be satisfied with the results, but that is a risk that must be taken with all success.

Why Exceed Expectations

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You might be wondering why you would ever want to exceed your own or other people's expectations. There are many reasons, but the most common are as follows.

  • First, you might want to challenge yourself, and push yourself to do better, than you would if you were doing what everyone else is doing.

  • Second, you might want to avoid disappointing others, whether it be your family, friends, or potential employers.

  • Third, you might want to gain the confidence of others, in order to be able to do or have something that is considered to be a great feat or accomplishment.

  • Finally, you might want to experience the feeling of winning, by doing something that has been considered to be impossible before.

All these reasons are valid, though they differ somewhat in terms of the degree to which they are valued and the type of risk that is involved.

Expectations Influence Success

Your expectations are constantly influencing your thoughts and choices. You can either conform to the expectations of others, or live your own life. You can either fit into the box that society expects of you, or break free and do what you were meant to do. Expectations are like a shadow that follows you around through thick and thin. They come in the form of other people's input, but they also come in the form of your own inner voice. Your own personal expectations are just as powerful as the voices of others.

It takes effort and practice to overcome those voices, that tell you to give up, to settle for a life that is less than what you are capable of achieving. But the effort is well worth it. When you break free from the constraints, that others have for you, you gain a priceless gift. Your own life. You might not always choose the way that your expectations lead you, but they will always be there. You might not always choose the way that you live, but you will always live.

The Value Of Exceeding Expectations

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There's nothing simple about exceeding expectations. It requires a certain mindset and a certain willingness to embrace uncertainty and risk. It also requires that you are not afraid of failing. As you will surely do, at least once. But when you do succeed, every ounce of your being feels alive and fulfilled. The world is yours to enjoy and you intend to do just that. When you live a life that exceeds your expectations, it feels like a great accomplishment. You feel like a winner. Even if you do not see the prize, you feel like a winner. Excellence is its own reward.

Life is too short to spend it doing or following expectations. Live your own life, dare to go beyond what the world expects of you, and reap the rewards. People love and praise those who are different, those who do not fit in, those who go against the grain, so you should not be any different. You might not see it now, but you will certainly reap the benefit in the future.

The world rewards those who work hard, those who do things that are valued. It is not the work itself that is valued, but the results. The more that you put into a situation, the greater the reward. It's the principle of effort that is valued. It's the only principle that makes sense. You might not always like the results, but they are always there and they are never unfair. The rewards of excellence will always be yours, no matter how long it takes.

The Benefits Of Exceeding Expectations

When you challenge yourself, you grow, both as a person and as a result. You exercise your mind and stretch your abilities. When you exceed your own expectations, you come away from the experience having learned something, and having grown as a result. You develop and strengthen the part of you that is determined to succeed, no matter what the obstacle. The self-belief that is developed from such occasions tends to be quite inspiring and all-encompassing. You might not always feel it, but you are always in motion towards some sort of greatness. You might not always be able to see it, but you know it's there.

The moment that you stop expecting anything of yourself, is the moment that you will start failing at everything. When you challenge yourself and exceed your own expectations, you are opening the door to a much wider world of possibilities. You are taking the first step towards realizing your dreams. You might not always know your limits, but you always know what is expected of you. When you work to exceed your own expectations, you are building a sense of ease and confidence in your abilities, which tend to carry over into your other endeavors.

When you do not exceed your expectations, you are building the sense of anxiety and tension, which tends to transfer over into all of your other endeavors. Exceeding expectations tends to be associated with positive outcomes, because that is what happens when you do it. Other people's perceptions of you tend to change as a result. If you are seen as a competent and reliable person, people are more inclined to interact with you favorably and that tends to lead to more opportunities to exceed expectations.

Thank you for reading.

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Avatar for Peter-Molnar
2 years ago


Your title says it all, we don't have to stay what we expect to happen co'z the more we push harder, the more we crossed the set expectations then we can see that we are more to that. We can be something bigger than what we expect.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we can and if we are bigger, than other people expect us to be, then we know we are doing very well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've been there before, I expect big but didn't make it. So, I change my perception to avoid disappointments, I dream but will not expect much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you don't expect much and make it better, then you thought you would make it, that's already a good thing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True peter. If humans having an exceeding expectations they will challenge themselves and it will make them uplift themselves. Exceeding expectations give power and strength to the humans which is good. If I have an exceeding expectations I became motivated and hopeful to all the things I want to achieve in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The other thing is when you exceed others' expectations as well as yours, then that is incredible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's the saddest part peter. It will break you a lot. 🥺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes I prefer to keep my expectations low. In this way, if I manage to make it better, well, welcome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When you make it better, you realize that you can do better and you have already exceeded your own expectations.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, exceeding expectations is way of breaking through your own limits. I actually like the concept of breaking through because behind this is actually making you struggle, but becoming better at the end.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I believe if we just live our life in the way we are used to and not make any effort to get better at things, then we are not progressing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago