The Greatest Gift From God.

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3 years ago

God has given us the greatest gift of all time which is the power to choose. In our every day activities, we engage in hundreds of thousand's of decision making.

Decision like what to eat for breakfast, launch and dinner, what to were to work, what plan's we have for the day, where to visit, what the next big thing will be,what we will say, what we would do. Various decision are made everyday about everything in our life's from how we will react to more pressing situations at home, work or toward our fellow human being, even what to wear and what not to wear to occasions and what kind of hair style suits us. Numerous decisions are what we are faced with every day.

It may seem to us that a whole lot of our daily choices do not have value or any significance at all, but it is important to note or understand that they do matter in our lives.

In the book of Deuteronomy 30:19, God say's... I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Let us be aware that every choice we make is a seed that we sow, and these seeds will definitely produce fruit in our lives and that if our children either for life or death. For us to live the life that Jesus died to give us which is life of abundance, full if peace love and joy then we must make wiser and better choices or decisions.

A Good Choices Equals Good Life

Most at times we human are good on focusing on life's Big only to be defeated by the small ones we feel we could handle easily. In the book of the songs of Solomon 2:15 the Bible made us to understand that it's the 'little foxes' that spoil the vine. Just as the little to nothing decision we make everyday make up a great deal of our lives.

For example if I make it a routine to go to bet at 8:30pm every night so that I can sleep by 9 o'clock. Going to bed on time means waking up early and then I would have quality time to spend with God before engaging in activities of the day.

Most people would say does going to bed or bedtime really matter that much I can still wake up any time I want no matter what time I sleep.

Yes of course! Going to bed on time mean I wouldn't sabotage my time with God which I need as a Christian to grow rather than going to bed any time I want that would leave me tired and worn out and making my whole day or early time spending with God seeming very difficult.

To many this may seem simple, yet I believe that little things like this affect more on our lives that we could imagine. Applying wisdom in our choices means living deeper than what we want, what we think and what we feel at times.

The act of wisdom always makes choices now that Will be satisfactory later in the future. But foolish choices are made not considering the consequence it holds in the future or after making such decision. I see the word foolishness as "without common sense."

The good new is that if you have made a lot of foolish choices which all of us have done it before and you feel you are not happy with such choices and what it has resulted into then there is room for you to change. Because I believe that the greatest way to overcome wrong choices is to make good ones that will affect out life positively and a lot better.

Firstly, you have to take responsibility of your wrong actions (choiceness) which you have made in time past and be honest even to yourself that of the truth you are going to change. John 8:32 says "The Truth will set us free" and that includes the the truth about ourselves and our decision to change for the right course.

Secondly, you are to a firm decision to change and never go back to your vomit and to begin afresh with series of wise choices for a better future.

The fact is that it is important to note or understand that we can not change ourselves. It is only God who can give us the strength and grace to change our habits or life style and the way we think, talk and act. Him and only him can help us make better decision for our lives that will lead to a better and glorious future.

I could talk to you about this because it came to a point in my life where I wanted to make the rite decision. Decision like wanting to serve God but to me it seems difficult and not achievable because I find myself going back to things I said will not do again. But what ever the change you need to make my friend I implore you to take it to God in prayers and ask him to guide towards the right path and strength to stand firm in such path of wise choices.

Finally, I implore you to search and study the scripture in areas where you need strength to your struggles. Struggles such as unforgiveness, lack of self control, anger, bitterness, hate and anything it may be. Because the word of God is power and it can change you life for the better and the more you study the word the more peace, joy and freedom it brings to your life.

The pressing question is this: what could our lives be like if you and I started making good choices right way? Don't be weak in well doing believe God and everything is possible with him. Because there would never be a convenient time and you don't have to waste more time out on a better tomorrow.

I trust God that you can do it and I believe that despite your progress seeming slow don't be discouraged because God is with you when you walk with him. And when you decide to make wise decision just know that a whole lot will eventually change and you will begin to experience life at its fullest in Christ Jesus.

Never Give up on yourself because God is not done with you yet.

Thank you for your likes and comments God bless you.

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3 years ago
