Bro. Amos [9] Funny Brothers in Love

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2 years ago

The will of God might not be a very smooth route but trust me it’s the best route for every man. Permissive will or whatever you call it came into existence because of the fall of man and it is never God’s original plan, the minister declared nodding his head. And he rounded off with Ephesians 5v17, which says: ‘Wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is’. Seriously, the Lord dealt with me on this verse for many days. So to God it is only the unwise (fool) that lives without knowing God’s will for his life in all areas.

Bro Amos’s writing

My lawyer came visiting as early as 8:30am yesterday and he informed me that the Appeal Court will be sitting on my case the following week. And he affirmed to me that something positive will definitely come out.

You will not all believe that for some two, three days now, a sister has been coming to my mind. Her name is Sister Beauty; she came to the correction centre last week with her ministry members for evangelism. She was the one that took the bible study session, this sister is beautiful both inside and outside.

Oh, come and see the way she was analysing the scripture. My whole being fell in love with her instantly. We interacted after the end of the program. I was introduced by one of the prison officials as the official pastor of the prisoners. I told her about my past and her response was that every Christian has a past and all sinners also have a future.

Sister Beauty's Past

She told me too that she also has a story to tell concerning her past but she promised me to come visiting soon. For three consecutive days now, I have been having a series of dreams that Sister Beauty is now the will of God for me.

Of course, I should have corrected Bro. David the first time he called me his sweetheart on the phone. And I also know that I get angry easily but I have been trusting God to help me with this. There was even a time I had a bible study session with Bro Amos at the correction centre on dealing with anger.

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Bro. Amos told me that anger is not a fruit of the spirit and he went on to say that it’s part of the manifestation of the fruits of the flesh, in fact he called it the devil's anointing. He said it has been over three years since he got angry. He concluded by saying that Jesus Christ alone is our perfect example.

I asked him a question that I have heard people asking often, and the question is found in the book of Matthew 21v12-13, when Jesus was chasing people from the temple. And the question is, ‘Was Jesus really angry there? How true is this Bro Amos? I humbly asked. Bro. Amos replied by giving me a simple smile and he said I will give you an assignment, study your bible very well and come give me the answer when next you visit.

When A Church Brother Woo🤪😍

As I sat on my bed ruminating about the past experiences I have had. I remembered a particular scenario that happened to me when I was in my second year in university. A brother approached me, and after he had sung the normal national anthem of brothers: you are more beautiful than the queen of England, more precious than gold and diamond combined, bla, bla, bla.

The next question he asked me was just too funny and stupid. Angel, are you a virgin? I was surprised the way you are also surprised. Seriously, some brothers need to be trained on how to relate with sisters. I looked at him and told him that his head is not correct, I then hissed and walked away from him.

....... Wait for more.

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2 years ago


🤣🤣🤣are you a virgin? That question weak me and the guy need to be beaten for that question.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

All these churchy brothers who just read the Bible or listen to sermon with knowledge😭🤣😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago