As White As Snow

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3 years ago

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Last December, my family and I decided to spend the Christmas holiday in the east. The harmattan season in Nigeria, especially in the city of Lagos has never been the same as what used to exist in the 80s or early 90s. However, my kids especially wanted to experience Christmas in another environment. They had never been to my village not once. So, the excitement is hyper.

All arrangements were made and we set out to the east. It was a very long journey for the kids but they did have a lot of fun. Different natural effects as we entered different states on the journey. The popular Niger bridge that announces that we are now in the entrance to the core east was a sighted kid will not forget in a hurry.

The long journey ended after about eight hours.

The kids were shocked to see how remote my village was. There is no frequent electricity supply, no pipe-borne water, it was just a typical village life but the people are happier than those in the city.

On the morning of the second day, we woke up to a huge fog that made it look blurry and unable to see the person from a two-meter distance. An intense cold accompanied the fog such that no matter the amount of body cream you applied on your skin you will remain as white as snow. As we contemplated how the people had fair under this condition, my wife quoted Isaiah,

Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Isaiah 1:18

After asking the meaning of scarlet, my five-years-old son asked if Scarlet is red. He knows sins are dangerous and God dislikes sins, but this verse is not about colours. Prophet Isaiah was making reference to the bright red dye obtained from the eggs of a small insect. Clothes will be dyed in it and the colour becomes stocked that no washing not rain can remove it. Sin is like that. No physical effort cam remove or take it away. It is buried in the heart.

Only God can clean heart from sin.

As we looked at the fog, we see the whiteness that scrubbing and bleaching a piece of cloth dyed in scarlet can't achieve.

Apostle Peter had taught in his epistles,

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out. Acts 3:19.

When we receive person from God, we receive a new life by faith. Only through the sacrifice if Jesus can we receive such a pure heart. His death is a wonderful gift that mankind ought to cherish.

$ 0.07
$ 0.05 from @Fexonice1
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Avatar for Pearlkel
3 years ago


Here's a great call to repentance. Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is need for repentance really. Thanks for coming around.

$ 0.00
3 years ago