Bitcoin Cash Saved Me from Delays Sending Money for Emergency and Found Balanced with my Family

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Avatar for PatsKy8135
3 years ago

When health becomes the priority as one of your family members is fighting for their lives at the hospital, MONEY is very essential for their necessary medications and treatment. Life is indeed FLEETING and we will never know our time as well regardless of how healthy we would become. I have learned from this very difficult situation that my family is dealing with right now as my father has been given only 6 more months to live according to his attending doctor at once I REBUKED it because of GOD's healing hand and miracle works for my papa. This conviction is so strong that my father will survive more than his timeline. Having heard such a painful moment. We cried it to Jesus. I kept on telling my papa with FAITH that HE is our great doctor. HE will be HEALED. I have to remain strong upon writing and made sure our video call was always uplifting encouraging him to fight for us.

As reality sink in, the moment papa has been admitted since day one, medication bills have also skyrocketed and my sister who's been with him took this snapshot at how crazy the medications especially when we put my papa at the private hospital since he's already having a hard time breathing and needed closed monitoring. As I have been sharing in my Noisecash post, hospitalization costs in my country are not a joke, however here in Seychelles, one of the luckiest people who enjoyed their FREE HEALTHCARE truly has a saving act.

Medication bills entail money and I am truly grateful that the tips I have received on the platform helped me continuously sending the amount of money especially when an emergency arises as my experience in the bank which took them exactly 3-5 days before it would be sent to my sister's bank account in the Philippines. At times since fiat still so much used mostly in the hospitals, being in a crypto community gave me an edge to be able to send money right away especially Bitcoin Cash and this is my next mission to open up the mind of the people in my country, educating them likewise spreading more awareness how Bitcoin Cash can help us when the need arises without any hassles of reviewing our money. The RELIABILITY of Bitcoin Cash gave me more peace of mind as I can check my transactions through, likewise, its transparency is what I needed here. It saved me from further mishap since it is non-custodial and nobody can FREEZE my account.

Do you ever imagine that the money needed for your father's treatment and medication can be frozen just so because the bank felt that it's a scam due to the amount you sent? I was really in deep trouble knowing that from time to time, asked my sister to check whether the money already arrived and every time she said, "NO", Holy Christ I don't know what to do even I tried to send an email for an update. That moment was my greatest worry engulfed with fear thinking that my father has to undergo a CT scan and they needed to pay at once yet the bank doesn't understand. I don't want to curse but remained calm.

Hence when you're in great financial need of sending money RIGHT AWAY especially just in a matter of less than an hour with less than a dollar transaction fee, Bitcoin Cash has saved me redemptively. It is never a joke to be waiting for days when you are in dire need of money for emergency cases. So this is my only reflection and advice to those who are so Hyped with the metrics and standing of so many coins out there.

I know our main purpose is to earn here for our family or for helping humanity, sharing our blessings with our least fortunate brothers and sisters in the world, yet I hope that our involvement in the crypto community is not merely earning more and more money but for the greater good and authentic brotherhood. I hope that we truly care for others and felt their pain in a moment of distress because, at the end of the day when we leave this earth, all our financial assets are just part of our journey. I hope that we learn to bridge the gap in the cryptoverse and stop spreading HATE and Trashtalk with one another just so because we don't support the same coin however had we forgotten the cause? Remember what Roger Ver would always said that it's never an argument to do trashtalking.

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One thing that struck me most during these trying times with my papa when he told me, "anak (daughter) even if you have all the money in the world, or you own the whole of Seychelles, when you die, you won't bring it with you but you can never turn back the time you lost spending with your family because you are too engulfed earning money." I felt like I was strike with lightning that I need to recollect those moments when I almost lost the gem I already had.

Now, with this experience, I truly understood that as part of being human, there were times that I wanted to emerge fully with my time blogging, as soon as I arrived from work, I needed to check my Noisecash accounts and other social media platforms but now I am at peace knowing how at this difficult moment taught me BALANCED my family time online and offline.

Would love to connect with you via Noisecash

Highly appreciated for not spamming my post. Merci Beaucoup!

badges earned by the author and property of Uptrennd University edited via Adobe Sparks

images used on this post are mine edited via inCollage

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$ 11.83
$ 11.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @DrNums
$ 0.05 from @Jeaneth
+ 4
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Avatar for PatsKy8135
3 years ago


My best wishes for your family. I know how hard is loosed someone beloved.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

your article is very complete, I can't comment more clearly you are the best and always successful in pandemic conditions that spread throughout the country Welcome always healthy

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice work keep it up!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

this is likely a generic spammy line. Kindly read and comment based on the post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

bitcoin cash soared to its peak

$ 0.00
3 years ago

right, unless we have to utilize it fully then people will be more aware of its features and usability.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

bitcoin cash soared to its peak

$ 0.00
3 years ago

bch has made a difference indeed in our lives. We have to do what we got to do. I too had to use my bch for our family's needs. I am grateful for being here in read and in noise. This is such a blessing!

Prayers for your papa!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you dear truly appreciated for your prayers because it's what we truly need this time. We claimed for healing despite the doctor's verdict. Have a great day ahead.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Reading your post reminds me of my struggles with my father . I highly salute you on how you work things out and of course how BCH provides a big impact in your life . You deserve all the prayers for your dad. I agree with you that money are not meant to keep but to spend it especially to the needy ones because when we leave on this world,we can't have it with us. Thanks for this and you encourage me to keep working for the family. Have a great Friday .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hello dear we are in this journey together. I am having hard time writing knowing the condition of our papa as he keeps fighting for us. At the end of the day, our lives are fleeting and we will never know our time either however with a good support system, we would have remaining days to be thankful for. Please continue praying for my papa's recovery.

Likewise when it comes to monetary assistance, I am glad that my involvement in the cryptoverse helped me this time around especially on a daily medication bills.

have a great day ahead.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

BCH is life changing for all of us. I see you are always standing together with your father through thick and thin. It's BCH that is decisive factor for our lives. We should Hold it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

right dear @Yasmin, for without Bitcoin Cash, I doubt if sending money ASAP would be possible this time. We are truly blessed that our involvement in the BCH ecosystem is worth than earning per se. Great day ahead.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How's your father? Truly, BCH saves us every time. Always making itself available.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Please include him in your prayer intention, despite the doctor's verdict, we are truly optimistic he will live longer than expected timeframe. God is our great doctor.

Likewise I am grateful that Bitcoin Cash is helping me at these trying times.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How is your dad doing today? I know you are heartbroken, but I do believe in miracles! He is still in my prayers.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

still coping up bro. We rebuke whatever the doctor's findings because God hears our prayers for his extension of life. We would love to see him full of life again. He will be celebrating his 57 birthday on the 12th of May. Truly appreciated for the prayers. We are steadfast in our FAITH and miracles really do great wonders.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Glad to see BCH changing lives ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

indeed it is changing lives as it knows no boundaries. Great day ahead.

$ 0.00
3 years ago