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3 years ago

We are social beings and interaction is part of what makes us humans, this ability to comes together and reason is by far what makes us supreme to all other animals. You have your own body of knowledge stored up in your brain, your own ideology, your own view and so do I have mine also, then when we meet to converse, it will be a covalent sharing of ideas and deep thoughts, yes there might be argument so as to get clarification but slowly we are drawing to a conclusion. See reasons to mingle with people from different races and classes of life then your can start to view the world via their own lenses too. Also mingling helps us make friends, not necessarily close friends but good interactive people, even close friends too, who we would share lot of lovely memories with.

While younger we often felt like we are the best in what we do, be it dancing, singing, fighting and the likes, with our siblings cheering us up and our neighbours encouraging us, but then when we get to associate with other kids we would get to see that some people are by far better off and it would take a lot to beat them in that craft, this shows that being isolated has its way of limiting your potentials to a certain agreed level, where you feel like you have tried your best and feeling like that's all there is to it, but in mingling you get to see more, you get to experience a different style and kind of it, you will most definitely learn more and you in turn share yours to the world.

Its not enough to have an idea or a talent, it wasn't meant for your pleasure, those ideas and talents are suppose to be passed down, impacted, showcased, imagine your favourite singer or actor refusing to showcase him or herself to the world, you wouldn't be standing in front of the mirror today to mimic what you have seen, you see they have sent out their craft, what they know how to do best to the world to mingle with the minds of the general public at large, and if accepted and love you'll see how a product of that person would start recreating in another. Never keep it to yourself, get out and make it interact with other people this way it would be tried and tested and also improved. Stop thinking you're the best until you join in with others.

Reasons like low esteem, bad association or environment, pride or even phobia can make people not want to mingle and this is understandable. Like the cases of bad association or environment, its best you cut off such association as it would only lead to troubles and more troubles and you can't tell what a trouble might bring, so as much as you crave for fun it's also better to have peace. Yet from time to time visit places that are good, a place where you can interact and grow, mingle with other great minds, this is essential for your growth and expansion of your gift and craft.

Nevertheless, the option of low self esteem being a reason why you aren't going to mingle should be dealt with, mingling is not a competition, its should be treated as fun that's why it's your choice to find who to mingle with, there are numerous people around the world with different view to life, if in time past someone has embarrassed you or step on your toes then they are the ones with the issues, you should get better people with more matured minds rather than being shy to explore and showcase your talents. There's only a limit to who can appreciate you when you are hidden, but that moment when you are out to associate with other great minds with a good mandate, this forces joined together can create magic. Get out and mingle, forget the past. Low self esteem is all in the mind, fight it and step out.

Alright now to pride being an active reason, I already feel like laughing, you seriously think you're better than everyone else, you'll be shocked on what you can learn from the worst in the game. If truly you're the best, then why not do it for fun, why not mingle to impact, do you know that the more you teach the more it sticks and you're open to other unlocking other aspects you haven't imagined yet. Let go of pride and mingle with other minds, they wouldn't draw you back or down, its what you already know, start by teaching a person today, you might be shocked that you got it all wrong and in fact they are all good at it and so you're the one really learning. You never can tell. Just mingle. Phobia's should be traced to the root cause and treated, it could be solved medically or via a therapist.

Mingling is a gift, its fun, its exciting, stop taking it as a competition and start treating it as a way of life. Have fun doing it, mingle with different people, with different insights, the funny, the serious, the bookworm, the lazy, the overexcited, the under excited, the Asians, the Americans, the Philippines, the Africans, the learned, the illiterates, the young and the old, mingle and see the sweetness in the varieties of life. Its not good to be isolated, we all need that friend, that person to talk to also. So Mingle.

Thanks guys for reading today. Please do like, subscribe and comment below. Make new friends in this world of opportunity and fun. Stay happy guys!

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3 years ago


Yeah never knew it until I turned out 25 that socialization during your young days can be a good factor when you turned adult and you can easily adopt into different setting of environments and people!

Well I am really amazed by your writing! How to be you po? Haha!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😂😂😂😂.... Thanks a lot mayzee. I do appreciate

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article 👍👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love to meet new people. Both face to face and online. All is true what you wrote. They can become friends and we can learn from each other,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, meeting new people is exciting as well as educative, we learn new things and see new perspectives. Thanks for the tip, really appreciated

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My pleasure. Great article deserves a reward. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago