BCH - Another Vaccine For The Pandemic

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Avatar for Passionate
3 years ago

Its been over a year already since the world stood still at the coming of the coronal virus, for months it was crazy, everyone all confused, the pressure was mounted on the medical practitioners to seek a way out, the religious leaders took matters to their supreme deities, families cut off all communication with other people, it was a busy and frustrating quest for survival. Need to mention the news update about with the increasing death rate and more much increasing new cases, no question it was a time to uphold safety first as a slogan. No hard feelings but I just can't shake your hands Sir, don't be angry I won't hug you now. It was an #StaySafe everywhere.

For how long could we stay without the necessary provision being catered for, we needed help, I needed help big time, we had already started rationing the food so it could serve extra days, here you couldn't rely on the government, the shared palliatives would have to travel through many stomachs before it could get to the masses, so we all had to find out way yet dodging the virus.

Then comes read.cash with this incredible platforms for earning, our writing savior, a home both for spending quality and earning quality cash. No doubt the Advent of Read.Cash and Noise.Cash is a blessing to many including myself, oh especially myself, quickly putting my talent to use, while yet learning a lot from the many outstanding writers present in the platform. It was a vaccine indeed as many problem was not about contacting the virus, there was other matters, crucial matters being dealt with.

Vaccine for curing boredom

No doubt we were all bored, like I couldn't step out, the zoom meetings were all full of fear and fake smiles, our normal day is being taunted by this crazy virus, how much I missed the fun of a real company, miss getting those gist while seeing the facial expression attached. As a family we did a lot to make it worth our time, but it didn't just cut it, friends brings out the crazy areas in me, but then reading is one area where you can feel the writer through the words and just swim along. This read cash brought to me, from motivation which has been my area of specializing, to relationship which of course everyone wants to get right and crypto which currently speaks the money, nature, anime and so on, it's all here, I just write and read and my hours are being well spent.

Vaccine for Curing Ignorance Via BCH

So before now, my transactions fee know as network fee has been crazily high, little did i know I could transfer a coin value without the network fee eating deep into the balance, this was a huge deal for me, as BCH became the new trend with quicker transaction, no long time taken to reflect on the receiver's end, no high network fee and also have the increasing value tendency, isn't this sweet. It has become the best for p2p, like I alway say BCH I Stand.

Vaccine For Provision

No doubts there are many beneficiaries to this great platform, who were able to acquire a thing or two via the tips received, it undoubtedly did go on long way to cater for everyone who couldn't go about their daily activities anymore, it was a gift to writers all around the globe and day in and out you could see the numerous amount of members signing up, some surely left but many more remained.

Note A vaccine isn't always for curing it can also be for prevention, which of course is better than cure. Did it help you remain indoor? Did it help you avoid the risk? Then it's a vaccine. Another vacvine 😁.

Now we know its a vaccine, its enough reason to spread it around, creating awareness of such awesomeness, calling on to the general public, BCH is a gift to mankind, Read.Cash is a home of knowledge, a remarkable one at that. Keep spreading this vaccine. BCH I stand.

Thanks guys for reading again, please do like, subscribe and comment below. Stay safe guys. We are always victorious.

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Avatar for Passionate
3 years ago


Indeed RC, is a miracle of hope! Keep writing good content as RC can be the miracle of hope your write-ups, can be a motivation to others! Everything is like a chain, a cure or a vaccine to the worlds current events! Good day and fighting sir!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Always right meyzee... Its all connected, would keep fighting dear. We win 💪

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha yeah! Fighting!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😁😁😁... Yeah, each time more energy

$ 0.00
3 years ago