Twitter Bloody Twitter (a.k.a.

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Avatar for Pantera
3 weeks ago

Since Twitter didn’t reinstate my account, I created a new one after several people encouraged me to.

I want to thank everyone who welcomed me back.

Now, let’s get real.

With this piece, I may disappoint some, but their feelings won’t matter much to me.

Not everyone shares the common goal of financial freedom; many are driven by hidden agendas and systematically try to push their interests in several ways.

First things first.

What X/Twitter took from me was more than just an account.

They removed 10,000 posts, 8,000 followers, and my ability to express myself freely.

Is that theft or not?

Twitter Erased My History

I had tweets warning about various scams, including a critical alert about Celsius two months before its collapse.

I advised people to exit Celsius when there was still time, but those tweets are now gone.

None of these Tweets exist anymore.

Twitter erased a significant part of my total internet history AND the validity of what I can claim today or in the future.

Why is Twitter allowed to erase all of my content?

Why were my posts censored?

I can no longer access these tweets; when I log in, I see only a few of my most recent tweets.

Isn’t that theft?

I warned against popular crypto YouTubers who were urging their audience to buy into the Terra-Luna dip. You know WHO.

All those classic paid shills throwing their followers under the bus.

None of these Tweets exist anymore.

I told people to buy Bitcoin Cash at $100. The price went to $700 a year later.

None of these Tweets exist anymore.

My contributions on Twitter, whether positive or negative, have all been erased.

Was I always right? Of course not - How could I be?

However, I've always been honest.

And right now nobody can verify, since 10,000 of my posts on the internet have been erased.

This suspension was clearly intentional and unjustified, and Twitter’s staff bears responsibility for this.

It is hard to believe I did anything different from others in my approach when using Twitter.

A Constant Fear Of Getting Deplatformed

Twitter has undermined honest users who engaged with the platform in good faith for years.

This isn’t solely Musk’s fault. The algorithm is deeply flawed, and even Musk’s team struggle to address issues stemming from false reports.

There’s also a clear bias in how appeals are handled, and it is worth properly monitoring the approach of the staff responsible for these decisions.

Jack Dorsey and his poor coding choices, along with those who validated this flawed code, share responsibility.

Thousands of accounts are unjustly suspended (probably) daily, often without clear violations of Twitter’s vague rules.

So, I’m back on X, but I live with the constant threat of being de-platformed again. How is this ever going to work?

Twitter has never truly valued free speech.

Twitter favors conformity.

I’m afraid to speak my mind, fearing the loss of everything once more without justification.

Twitter has never provided a clear explanation for why they banned my previous account.

Their claims of rule violations seem like a cover for a system that suspends accounts based on reports, regardless of actual misconduct.

So, don’t expect too much from me on Twitter. This is not a platform that I can trust for free speech.

We live in a trust-based system, so we must rely on the intentions of platforms and their staff.

At least with Bitcoin Cash, we can sidestep these trust issues in our financial dealings.

The "Politics" Distraction

I don’t engage in political discussions and don’t support Trump or Harris.

I value free will, free speech and abstain from this procedure since I'm not even a voter in the USA, despite the fate of most of the world depending on the US politics.

Probably, though, that's yet another reason X didn’t like my presence.

It seems that supporting the establishment is a requirement for acceptance on this platform.

If you don't then you are not needed.

Well, I don’t seek approval from random people, platforms, or politicians.

I do find like-minded individuals online and in real life but I refuse to bow to or shill for any politician, whether it's Biden, Trump, or anyone else.

Politicians with integrity and values do exist, and their actions sometimes protect individuals, children, and the environment.

Yet, I despise power, control, and authority, and I especially detest corrupt politicians, and morally bankrupt individuals. However, generalizing that everyone is corrupt destroys any meaningful discussion.

Not everyone is corrupt, not everyone is a scammer, not every cryptocurrency is a scam.

I don’t follow stereotypes and don’t try to push manipulation on me. While I’ve tolerated it up until now, it’s becoming bothersome at times.

I have no desire in promoting Democrats or Republicans, or the US or Russian interestests.

I opposed the Iraq invasion, and I oppose the Ukraine invasion.

I despise equally all superpowers, all powers and their methods.

Furthermore, I despise propaganda. If you embrace propaganda, then I want nothing to do with individuals who seek only to exploit and manipulate those around them.

As a person, Trump embodies everything I always hated.

A vile, disgusting, megalomaniac lacking dignity.

Despite Trump being who he is, I will never support/endorse the opposing party either, or any political party at all. Thinking there will be more (or less) evil between the two, is like adding a constant to infinity - it doesn't change the outcome.

I reject manipulation and deceit, and I’ll continue to call out fraud and dishonesty, whether it’s in the world of crypto, finance or politics.

Well, that's all about politics you will ever hear from me again.

Are There Alternatives?

I write about the one viable alternative to financial enslavement I have in mind, Bitcoin Cash, and will always support cryptocurrencies that empower individuals, as the individuals with good intentions hold far less power today than the few who dominate the other side.

Those who tried to manipulate and deceive hit a brick wall with me. So, what was their response? Mass report my account, knowing that Twitter is run by a bunch of incompetent fools.

Scammers attack free speech online, and platforms like X are quick to suspend accounts without offering the benefit of the doubt.

While we have a few decentralized alternatives, the mainstream system is reducing their growth and reach.

The mainstream narrative is shaped by Google’s SEO, which decides what information will the people read.

So the centarlized aspect of the internet won't change at least not for a while.

The financial part still has a chance, that's why I'm here.

If my new Twitter account gets deplatformed, if the rest of my accounts on Medium, YouTube, or any other centralized/semi-decentralized platform gets suspended, worry not. I will still use and save money in Bitcoin Cash.

$ 2.24
$ 2.00 from @harry-browne
$ 0.15 from @Omar
$ 0.08 from Anonymous user(s)
+ 1
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Avatar for Pantera
3 weeks ago


I don't think this is good

$ 0.00
2 weeks ago

Oh well... X has done it again... I hope this won't happen again... but what's your alternative? Noise was a promising platform but it seems most of the users there were only after for the tips...

$ 0.00
3 weeks ago

Twitter is run by a bunch of incompetent fools.

That is true for Medium as well. You raised the correct question. Where to go for microblogging. The future is a blur.

$ 0.00
3 weeks ago