Revealing Satoshi Nakamoto (Part V, Final Part): The Main Candidate

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1 year ago

Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto? The Final Part And Conclusion.

on opening the topic of Satoshi’s identity again, I had to review my previous work ( The Futile Search For Satoshi, not wanting to skip a key element from the story.

While none of the primary suspects admit it was them, we also get plenty of fake candidates, often with shady purposes, deceptive practices, or political games.

Gavin Andresen’s elevated blood pressure and sweating while announcing Craig Wright was evidential. Same as Adam Back on multiple occasions when confronted with the one trillion dollar question.

The gravity of this question makes it awkward to gather your thoughts, even when you’ve practiced what to say numerous times.

Barely Sociable revisited with his work “ Unmasking Satoshi Nakamoto “Satoshi’s identity topic from a different angle and produced a fascinating video that connected the dots and revealed the most likely candidate.

However, it wasn’t the documentary alone but the reaction from the Bitcoin camp that reinforced his claim on the case of Adam Back.

Nobody was Looking into Adam Back until 2020

Multiple distractions divert attention from the prime suspect(s). With every step, new leads emerge, and more candidates appear.

I’ve been studying material related to Satoshi’s identity since 2017, yet the crypto and mainstream media never included Adam Back as a candidate until Barely’s video was out.

In 2017, the University of Georgetown conducted stylometry research on those considered the primary Satoshi candidates. However, it skipped analyzing Adam Back.

new analysis using stylometry was conducted in 2018 and featured on the Zycrypto news website, announcing Gavin Andresen as the perfect match.

We identified Bitcoin Cash developer Gavin Andresen as being the real Satoshi Nakamoto

-Zycrypto (2018)

(Source: Twitter)

Interestingly, this report did not consider Adam Back a candidate either .

And once again, we witnessed an irrational and aggressive reaction from BTC maximalists with the stereotypical fury characterizing this group, with accusations against Bitcoin Cash proponents of fabricating this report.

We shouldn’t ignore the reaction by BTC maximalists against Barely Sociable either ( Unmasking Satoshi? or Big Block Propaganda? You be the Judge!), with maximalists launching a series of accusations and attacks, with attempts to doxx and discredit the work of an independent content creator.

Moreover, we shouldn’t ignore the vast propaganda Blockstream has launched against big blockers, the contradiction of the arguments, and the brainwashing techniques it utilizes for years.

(Read more: The Weakest Debunking Ever, by Tone Vays & Jimmy Song)

According to maximalists, it was Roger Ver and Bitcoin Cash behind both media publications considering Gavin Andresen and Adam Back to be Satoshi, which is more or less a delusional approach.

While rumors were out there, still nobody was touching the “Adam Back” case all this time, even though he is the most convincing candidate.

How Expensive is Heating Oil Anyway?

Incidentally, in my article The Futile Search For Satoshi, I specifically mentioned a Satoshi bitcointalk post that seemed out of the ordinary:

(Source: bitcointalk)

Quoting Satoshi:

... Generation is basically free anywhere that has electric heat, since your computer's heat is offsetting your baseboard electric heating.  Many small flats have electric heat out of convenience.

How expensive is heating oil?  With the price of oil so high, if it's actually more expensive than electric, then generating would have negative cost.

-Satoshi Nakamoto bitcointalk

An interesting concept was proposed by Satoshi, which perhaps analysts overlooked all this time. Details that may not mean anything, yet, it is a rare occasion Satoshi states an “uneducated” opinion in academic fashion as always, but on a topic distant from Bitcoin.

In my article The Futile Search For Satoshi, I made some assumptions, but I wasn’t the only one that noticed the use of the word heating oil. The Satoshi reference to heating oil was first examined as a British term Satoshi used, by Dominic Frisby in his book “Bitcoin The Future of Money”.

I noticed this particular Satoshi post on bitcointalk back when I started reading Satoshi’s messages in 2017, mainly because it wasn’t as technical as the rest. In my article The Futile Search For Satoshi I commented the following:

... and then the term "heating oil" which is used in both the UK and USA...

..In the UK houses use mostly gas...

...Heating oil is used in premises where no gas is available...

(-from my work: The Futile Search For Satoshi)

Also, I quoted Wikipedia with information that seemed to matter:

There are around 1.5 million people in Great Britain using oil for home heating. 

(- Wikipedia)

I concluded mentioning this could be a lead to follow:

"This narrows it down a lot in case Satoshi is British"

I overlooked searching if any of the candidates mentioned heating oil in social media or forums.

I did that this time 🙂, though, and surprisingly, “someone” was genuinely interested in it:

Just, WOW!

Adam Back, pitching heating oil to Luke Dash Jr on Twitter. Who would have guessed?

I had no idea this would turn out to be linked with Adam Back when I wrote this part:

(The Futile Search For Satoshi)

The rest of the comments in this discussion (on Twitter) were somewhat irrelevant, with minimum response to Back’s “heating oil” argument.

Maybe this is not an indication either. Maybe, it was just a coincidence like every other coincidence uncovered so far. Isolated from every other event and circumstantial evidence linking Back to Satoshi this clue means nothing.

In addition to everything else, though, we can consider these possibilities:

  • Back naturally can’t remember everything he wrote (as Satoshi), and couldn’t calculate he might have used the same argument (heating oil) while posting as Satoshi on the Bitcoin forum.

  • Back purposedly mentioned heating oil (four times) to instill questions and lead researchers to yet another clue on Satoshi’s identity.

  • Or, it was yet another coincidence, together with everything else.

Of course, this is not evidence (once again) but only another piece of the puzzle that raises suspicions even further. However, clues are mounting up to a size we can’t keep ignoring.

Combining every clue in Barely’s Sociable video, Adam Back’s reactions, and everything else we uncover on the way, the odds only keep rising significantly.

The Reaction To Barely’s Work Validated The Claims

When I watched the BTC maximalists striving to debunk Barely’s claims, it became evident that Barely Sociable was up to something. Everything was checking out, as Vays, Song, and the admins of his channel kept trying to discredit Barely Sociable. It was a sign that they were in deep distress, unable to handle the situation.

There are too many coincidences to ignore.


It is difficult to remember everything we’ve written or said before, and as human beings we often tend to repeat ourselves.

It happens. We all do this but we don’t remember everything we said, so we repeat ourselves.

We can reach “very wrong conclusions based on circumstantial” but we can also reach a conclusion reductio ad absurdum.


Well, sometimes, it just takes finding more clues and “coincidences”. At some point, coincidences are just too many to ignore.

Satoshi's Email to Wei Dai:

Was there more than one Adam Back in the cryptographers’ cycle?

Why was mentioned or demanded a reference in the first-ever Satoshi discussion with Wei Dai?

Wei Dai knew Adam Back and his work, and supposedly Back referred Satoshi to Dai. If Satoshi is Adam Back, then he was mentioning hashcash to Wei Dai, for a reason, perhaps mentioning the connection of b-money and the use of his work.

The Quest for Satoshi's Identity

(Image by "xresch" on Pixabay and "madartzgraphics" on Pixabay - modified)

Any time I review the case, I find more clues suggesting Adam Back’s involvement.

Perhaps Adam Back will never admit it, although if the emails with Satoshi exist, he could release them and shed some light.

Satoshi, though won’t face any problems similar to Assange or Snowden. BTC is no more a threat to the dollar hegemony but integrated into traditional finance. All those bankers that entered Bitcoin between 2011 and 2017 and the fund managers that followed made it an asset, tamed it, and reduced its disruptive monetary influence.

Were agents after Craig Wright? Nobody cares to persecute someone that claims he created Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not under anyone’s control today, so it would be a waste of resources to persecute Satoshi for creating decentralized P2P Electronic Cash.

If Satoshi is Adam Back then, after his reappearance, he contributed to the taming of Bitcoin and stalled its explosive growth by not allowing it to scale.

Satoshi disappeared from Bitcoin by the end of 2010, almost two months before Hal Finney was diagnosed with ALS. Szabo could have also been an integral part of the team, although he probably wouldn’t want his name to be connected either.

Satoshi used Back’s name in the discussions with Wei Dai, implying that Satoshi had already discussed the use of hashcash as a Pow method for Bitcoin.

Like it or not, all the leads lead to Adam Back, and in the future, there will be only more evidence published by researchers and more attention diversions created by the same individuals that protect him.

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1 year ago


Satoshi will be one of the history unsolved mysteries. Decentralization and anon is the core essence of crypto and this makes it great

$ 0.06
1 year ago

The unmasking of the emperor behind Satoshi is really really going to be the best bulk booster of the millennium.

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1 year ago