I wrote this comment in my previous article. I didn't write that article to bring any conspiracy theory or write about any war, yet, some misjudged this, and thought it is ground to expand. Well, tough luck. It is not, and now you know it. I'm not going to allow irrelevant comments on the topic.

This is the comment I made, read it and understand I don't enjoy fooling around. The post: The Post-Covid Apocalypse is my personal observations and experience. My city has fallen at the hands of violent criminals inconsiderable or stupidly unaware of the damage and destruction they produce. Meanwhile, people suddenly flip from the lockdowns and become hostile to their families, or anyone else. I repost my comment here, and really, don't try again to engage with my comments with irrelevant topics (to those that thought this was wise to do).

This post is about personal improvement and recognizing the effects of two years of lockdowns in our societies.

It means how some people have lost touch with what is real and what should they focus. Sadly some thought I am a preacher or an advocate of ideologies. Well, I'm not. I can see where this is often going with comments, I wasn't born yesterday.

Thus, my comment section is not ground for support to any government, be it Russia, USA, Ukraine, NATO, Turkey, or any other agenda.

It is true that western societies suffer from a rise of violent crimes. This is the focus here. The fact that I'm also writing about those overcomplicating things, means that some have experienced the rise of criminal activities first hand, so they tend to overthink everything.

I'm not talking about politics and don't refer to anything else.

$ 0.26
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@Pantera posted 2 years ago
