Pantera Crypto YouTube Channel

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2 months ago

One year ago I started a YouTube channel aiming to transfer ideas from my written stories in visual format.

My motivation stemmed from frustration and mostly boredom with writing and writing platforms, and I wanted to move on to something different and more challenging.

These essays were not getting anywhere after a certain point. Moreover, I encountered unexpected obstacles on Medium since 2023. For some reason, the platform started viewing cryptocurrency content with suspicion, although Bitcoin (BTC) was an exception and always generated high views of any dumbed-down BTC-related content published.

What kind of content do I characterize as dumbed-down in relation to cryptocurrency? Well, you can start asking those people telling you how Bitcoin BTC is fixing everything while fees constantly spike to $50 or more. You can ask those promoting LN why Bitcoin hasn’t increased the blocksize limit to 133MB which is recommended in the Lightning paper.

And that’s just scratching the surface, deception has become the driving force of Bitcoin BTC and lies are told so often that concepts lose meaning.

Yet, questions and doubts inevitably emerge, such as in the case of the origins of Proof-of-Work:

This statement of Blockstream a blatant lie since Proof of Work was not invented by Adam Back, but by Moni Naor and Cynthia Dwork in 2013:

👉 Subscribe On YouTube: @PanteraCrypto

Boring Part (Skip This!)

A part of my writeups was dealing with the vast hypocrisy in the crypto domain.

Nevertheless, writing stories on a daily basis was a cycle that was always going to end. Maybe this cycle will begin again, although the focus right now is on video content.

While writing essays can be an effective way to convey certain ideas, combining these stories with a visual representation is far more engaging and dynamic. I expect to achieve far better reach with video content rather than with articles.

Through my stories and videos, I focus on cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin Cash, which has proven incredibly useful, scalable, focused on the target, and versatile for the past seven years.

I know this is not an easy pill to swallow, but all the information I ever presented within my work was information publicly available online.

I’ve been doing my research since early 2017, but for someone who hasn’t done so, most parts of this puzzle will only connect after a certain time is given to this.

You will also realize the reasonable big blockers were right on your own with time.

My intention was always about informing the public that on several occasions things are not what they seem to be in the crypto realm.

You can help me continue whatever this is I do by subscribing to my YouTube channel following my link:

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Medium Stats (Nov 2023 last time I was able to subtract)

I have had some success on Medium, having reached 7,200 followers, almost 1000 email subscribers, and more than 300k views with around 500 stories shared with Medium’s audience.

I also created Crypto Kiosk, a publication that attracted decent writers with real experience and knowledge of cryptocurrency, and it was also doing well.

In the end, Medium was the decider though, not me. Apparently Medium did not want my content, as it stopped promoting it after the changes in mid-2023. Therefore, I exited the Partner’s Program, and all of my stories are now free for all to read, without even the need to sign in.

Anyway, whatever might have happened, the part of writing stories is now over, at least the part of writing stories every day.

YouTube is different and in my opinion better in many ways than any other platform.

Video content requires learning several techniques, but certain software can assist in delivering better results.

Although, making videos also requires time.

And that’s a lot of time if we want to create something better than a random recording.

Video editing needs time to learn how to properly do it and I’m not even halfway there.

For my reasons, I selected to create faceless video content, so I have to rely on non-copyrighted and AI-generated images and videos. I also had to learn how to add movement properly and generate an outcome worth watching.

So, it’s layers upon layers of clips, images, effects, animation pseudo-3D effects with movement, editing, and more editing, and all of it has to constantly change, like every 3 seconds, so it doesn’t become boring and at least a 30% of those who clicked on the video will continue watching.

Then, the story has to be perfectly written. Unlike any essay where some mistakes were justified, and boring parts were not removed, this is quite different. The script has to be powerful. The idea has to raise curiosity and the content has to immediately deliver on the title and thumbnail.

There has to be a pay-off for the viewer, and it has to be announced in the first 30 seconds. YouTube today requires an in-your-face attitude, no compromise, and no boring stories. Every line in the script needs to deliver information and value to the viewer.

Finally, I have to use TTS (text-to-speech). I tried my voice on several occasions but the best I can do is a crude Eastern European accent that would not assist me in my purpose.

Therefore, that’s all TTS you are getting as speech in my vids until perhaps I find the right software that allows altering my voice at an acceptable level.

Pantera On YouTube

In the beginning, the videos I created contained BCH topics, but it was looking entirely amateurish.

I got better, though, and the decisive move was Capcut. Quality immediately increased, but I also started spending more time working on the script and audio to increase quality and attract as many viewers as possible.

I use AI to improve the script for my videos, but not to generate and not extensively. The script more or less exists in my previous published stories, and AI is used to query if some parts can be improved and to create a short description for YouTube. Nothing else, though. Each script mostly contains parts of the 700+ stories I’ve already published and a few more new parts I add.

However, I have only sparingly and on rare occasions used AI to improve these hundreds of stories. Moreover, AI did not exist when I started writing in 2021 but only appeared at some point in 2022 if I recall correctly.

Today, I consider AI like ChatGPT a bad advisor as often it is wrong, but sometimes it does provide some solutions when a non-English writer is stuck on whether a word is properly used or not.

With video content, views matter, together with comments, likes, and subscriptions gained.

In the previous 12 months, my channel got more than 17000 views for the 15 (currently public) videos I produced, which is not a large number, but a decent one that gives me hope the channel can grow a lot more in the next 12 months.

Some of my videos reached more than 2000 views and the channel keeps growing despite not publishing anything in the last two months, which only gives me confidence I should at least not abandon the effort.

Stats in the last 90 days were also decent, but I believe this is only the beginning, and much better results are possible.

I try to test new directions and soon will get there to combine the previous techniques with new ones. One of my best videos so far was this one:

Bitcoin Cash — The Last Beacon Of Hope has already attracted more than 1400 views, most coming from YouTube.

5% reach is a decent number since YouTube has already shown the thumbnail to more than 10,000 users. This means a lot since 500 new users clicked that thumbnail.

Hunting for clicks alone is not going to help, but the thumbnail and title require a certain handling and I’m still trying to find the best approach to utilize them.

The reach of this video also indicates that YouTube’s algorithm is fair but also has some requirements to boost content further after some point, which is a higher number of likes, comments, and link reposts in social media and forums. YouTube has thresholds and when these are crossed it puts the video to the next test against other content of similar categories.

So, this process is not easily gamed (or can’t be at all) since the video is shown to new users and they select if they want to see it or not. If they like and comment, then that adds to the overall score. The winner of this test (or battle) gets the next boost and moves on with a much higher reach from that point on, while the loser returns to the previous lower state. More or less, this is how the algorithm works, but it gives more chances after that when new content is published. Therefore, consistency is also important.

New users will find a video clip and if they really enjoyed watching they will also subscribe and most likely would want to see more.

Also the time of the video matters, so I’m going to try not to cut the videos shorter as I was doing until now, but fully explore each topic presented instead.

Yet, many more parameters will define the success of a channel. This was a parenthesis I felt important to mention, but digressing a bit from the topic.
Several more stories reached 1000 views so far with two of them more than 2000:

Algorithms do change, while the platform also has a demand for consistency and a few more important details we pick on this journey that if we manage to combine at some point we break the barrier of small channels and then content goes viral.

Still testing, and probably some things will change in the future, but the part that we know we are on the right track should be the case.

My content on YouTube is not monetized and not sponsored.

I will not do crowdfunding like a flipstarter for many reasons, although I don’t want to discourage anyone from asking for funding. That’s my assessment of the situation and I have issues with committing to targets on things I’m not proficient with.

A comment, a like, and a subscription to my channel are more than enough!

However, in any case, I also have a link with a BCH address for anyone that considers donating:

In case you want to find more content on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and the cryptocurrency market, subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I understand this topic a lot better than the top YouTubers who will most likely miss the point entirely like the one by James Jani “Crypto: The World’s Greatest Scam” that barely even scratched the surface and still got 5+ million views, just because that’s a celebrity YouTuber people follow.

In his video, Jani completely dismissed the entire concept of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, overlooking its fundamental aspect of financial sovereignty and financial freedom.

This dismissiveness is frustrating and fails to inform the public about the true merits and utility of cryptocurrencies.

The financial aspect, the price and the profit can be challenging and you may consider this to be the ultimate goal, however only the freedom aspect should be our focus. And this freedom should not come with a cost of $70 per transaction, which contradicts the very essence of freedom.

👉 Subscribe On YouTube: @PanteraCrypto

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$ 0.37 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 0.15 from @Omar
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2 months ago


It was amazing, love it 😍

$ 0.00
2 months ago

I have seen your YT videos and they are quite impressive and informative. As for ChatGPT ... it has some flaws. One is, it doesn't have the must current information. Two, you have put a lot of details in your prompt or query in the first few attempts to get a result as close to what you want. Otherwise, the AI gets confused. When that happens I start a new query with more details.

$ 0.00
2 months ago

Excellent and organic progress on YouTube.

$ 0.00
2 months ago