Introduction - Hi, I'm new!

Avatar for Pantera
3 years ago
Topics: Writing

Hello to everyone. I was looking forward to using for months now but I was always forgetting about it.

Today was one of these days when you sit in front of your computer screen and have absolutely nothing to do. All the daily routine was over two hours ago and for me, it has been just random clicking and browsing without having something useful to do with my time. It suddenly popped into my head. I wanted to make this account for so long and try to be part of something new, a platform where we exchange ideas and give our intel about anything.

My main interest is cryptocurrencies of course, however, I would love to find interesting articles about anything and it is great to see that allows all subjects and has a variety of topics to select.

Most of us have this thing in common which is crypto. This is what is consuming most of my time too and from the years of my experience, I know that it is also the main interest or even entertainment for most of us.

Thus, I am so glad I finally took this step to meet this community and share my thoughts, feelings, remarks, and information with people that share common interests and goals.

I am happy to finally be on and posting, and I hope to meet very interesting people, as I always do in my years of this crypto journey.

Well met everybody and let's keep it cool and have a great time!

Sponsors of Pantera

$ 0.13
$ 0.11 from @halu
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of Pantera
Avatar for Pantera
3 years ago
Topics: Writing
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The first one is so precious. Now you are a great writer. I want to be like you. I'm here because I want to learn and want knowledge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

After joining readcash yesterday, I noticed that you really have great contents and I was really amazed by this and I decided to make you my mentor here on readcash. I took it on myself to search for you first article on readcash and take a look at your growth on this great platform and I must say, I have a lot of things to emulate...

I am going to publish my first article in some hours, it's nice meeting you again Pantera...

And I'm glad to be the first commenting here too🥺😂

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Hey! Thanks for this comment. I think you have a good approach. See, this article did only get 2 cents and 5 likes. It was also rejected from the "Introduce Yourself" community!! It was only 2 minutes long in reading time, and was rejected as the requirement was 3 minutes!

Well, hope you do ok, you can read this guide that will probably help you as you begin:

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for this... I really appreciate your guide and I am going to abide by the rules to be great here...


$ 0.00
2 years ago