FURU Token: Airdrop Worth $750 Distributed By BCH Guru NFT!

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10 months ago

Two MASSIVE CashToken airdrops were distributed in the previous days to BCH Guru NFT holders, and this is just the beginning!

DogeCash airdropped one million tokens for each BCH Guru NFT a few days ago, and FURU tokens were also released to NFT holders according to combined collection stats.

We previously discussed these airdrops, examined the requirements and conditions, and analyzed our expectations from the project.

The $FURU token is one of the token coming from the most valuable NFT collection on CashTokens Bitcoin Cash.

FURU tokens have a use case in the anticipated predictions market of BCH Guru.

Let's find out how I did with my BCH Guru collection and these two massive airdrops!

Exciting Times For The CashTokens Community

FURU Token Aidrop!

With 67 Gurus and several collections finished, the total airdrop of FURU tokens distributed to my BCH-CashTokens address was 2085006 (~2% of the total).

If I were to sell these tokens, then I'd currently profit off of almost 2.5 BCH or $600 (with BCH at $240 at the time of writing).

At the current price (with enough liquidity), the airdrop of the 2 million FURU tokens I received are actually worth $2247 (or 9.36BCH)! 

However, the current liquidity remains low, meaning that any significant sell-off has the potential to drive prices down.

The total market cap stands at $134,750, which actually indicates vast potential.

There is always a risk that the price will drop from this level, though.

The BCH Guru team has demonstrated commitment and professionalism and delivered on their promises.

The roadmap is specific, and the team also backs the project and Bitcoin Cash in several ways with marketing and video clips on YouTube and X.com.

The total supply is 1 billion tokens, although first, there will be a second airdrop after GURU NFTs sell out (3 waves of 2000 NFTs each remaining).

The team will hold no FURU at all, but it will burn the remaining FURU tokens after the second airdrop, so the risk is minimal.

DogeCash Token Aidrop!

With 67 BCH Guru in my CashTokens address, I received 67,000,000 tokens airdrop and became a DogeCash millionaire! The total airdrop would be 0.67BCH if I sold.

I did sell 36 million DogeCash a day after the airdrop (for approximately 0.45BCH or ~$100) being worried that the price would crash and now remain with 31,000,000

So, the total airdrop I received by holding 67 BCH Guru NFTs would amount at the time of writing to 0.6238 BCH or ~$150. 

Dogecash also has potential for price improvement.

The total value of both airdrops is $750 for the time being (or 3.125 BCH) with the potential for even higher.

In Conclusion

BCH Guru has an exciting future ahead, with the potential to contribute considerably to CashTokens' success.

This is not just an average collection of JPEG images but a project with plans and ambitions that can attract people from all blockchains and beyond.

We can imagine how the CashTokens market could change in an instant when liquidity starts flowing.

The incentives are there (yield earning on Cauldron DEX), and perhaps a stable increase in volumes and liquidity can kick off CashTokens DeFi on a massive scale, unlike anything Bitcoin Cash experienced before (with SLP or SmartBCH).

On-chain DeFi with smart contracts and miner-validated tokens brings a new level of financial possibilities for the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

Cover picture on Pixabay by geralt

Donations In BCH and CashTokens:

  • BCH: tipb.ch/Pantera

  • CashTokens: bitcoincash:zr4nz4jv6jtf7q5tul8dy9j58u24pwawxsm0hh8hwz

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10 months ago



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10 months ago

This is interesting seeing all the wallet pictures. I'm a fan and would love to see myself at your level someday. Keep it up #pantera4life

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