Crypto Was A Positive Change

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Avatar for Pantera
2 years ago

I joined the Crypto world in March 2017. I had absolutely no idea what to do and how to use cryptocurrencies.

I started learning using google searches and suddenly I found coinmarketcap. I didn't even know there were more cryptocurrencies beyond Bitcoin. I remember the page was looking like this one I post. Not the exact screenshot but very close.

Historical Snapshot by Coinmarketcap.

The first crypto I owned and moved to a wallet was Dogecoin. I didn't want to invest then, but to research the field first. I found it very exciting that the networks were decentralized and no central service was authorizing our transactions. I used a faucet for a couple of days while researching in my afternoons after coming back from work. Made it easily to 10 Doge and then I opened a Doge wallet, a web-based one that I found and was considered reliable. What mattered was to test the field more and with Dogecoin and the faucets, it was a good way to learn as a beginner how to transact with crypto.

If you start doing research you get fascinated by crypto. This is a whole new world opening up in front of your eyes. True financial freedom was never before this much available to us.

I was reading about Bitcoin occasionally since 2013.

I've heard of Bitcoin since probably December 2013, after it did a remarkable rally and became popular. It didn't reach some kind of massive mainstream media attention and it wasn't so popular yet. There were some articles written in the financial and tech websites and newspapers I was reading. It caught my attention since these early years.

I thought of buying in 2013, however, I checked the chart and it was another parabola. The price was $1,000 so in hindsight, I didn't miss something extreme. If I bought I would have felt too much pain during a declining market with Bitcoin reaching 90% lower in 2015. But I would have been earlier in this community and I still consider it a missed opportunity.

I bought a little in 2017 at a price close to $2000, traded, bought again a few times during the bull run, and sold for a neat profit at the beginning of 2018.

But it wasn't just that, I wasn't going to leave this market just because whales dumped, I felt there was more, and looking at the charts daily helped me convince that Crypto wasn't going to just die. It was a revolution that was just beginning. It is still just in the beginning, however, some cryptocurrencies have reached prices they probably won't reach again.

I kept my job for another year, however, I had to quit, as there was very limited progress and financially I could have done (and did) a lot better so far, without having to deal with a job that was leaving me with a sense of emptiness and was providing me just a small wage.

How this bull run went so far

We've seen that mostly those cryptocurrencies that work and offer something useful got attention. I say mostly because once again we have seen some cryptocurrencies that are in development for many years and they haven't released a ready product yet. Ethereum keeps developing, although slowly, and still has managed to acquire 20% of the market share. Also, we have seen Doge making it close to a hundred billion market cap and we once again witnessed the power of Twitter.

I had a target set, which was to make in 2020 and 2021 more than the average wage in my country from my cryptocurrency investments. This was the first target and it has been accomplished. In a bull run, it is not hard to make this, however, we all need to take risks, invest money and time.

The excitement during this last year was not the same as back in 2017 though. In the beginning, I've met and discussed with a few really good traders and some people that helped me understand the concepts behind Bitcoin. The messages of Bitcoin were not going to deliver though, and I wasn't a person that would trust without validating.

I started looking more into Bitcoin Cash in 2018 and this year became an active promoter. It takes time and dedication to understand why Bitcoin is Bitcoin Cash and I don't expect those with heavy BTC bags to try and understand. They don't see scaling as their enemy, they just don't understand Bitcoin and why it is unable to scale. Everything sums up to the fact that every early dev and every early investor have distanced themselves from BTC and some supported Bitcoin Cash occasionally.

Even the guy that created the "hodl" meme, is also considering the facts correctly and distanced himself from everything.

2018 and 2019 were not profitable years. In 2018 I lost a big part of my previous profit, and only in April 2019, the first signs of recovery appeared for the crypto market. Just for a few months, the market was looking bullish, and it was only an indication of what would happen in 2020. I'm expecting 2022 not to be profitable either, but I will begin accumulating when there is "blood on the streets". Currently, this drop is nothing and if a bear market has begun, I will be taking action accordingly.

In 2018 all the warnings I kept reading became reality. All cryptocurrencies lost between 80-99% of their market cap. Only a few coins survived the mayhem and there were many opportunities to buy very cheaply. Treating a bear market as a future opportunity is the way to invest and profit from this. A long-term viable plan requires buying low and holding when it goes lower, because eventually those projects that have potential, will survive and be lucrative to us.

I will make another post about the bear market and how I was dealing with it. I had high hopes but not the perfect strategy and the risk I've taken could have been a lot more. My strategy was not perfect and for this reason, I didn't profit as I hoped for, but still, it was more than what was the minimum expected.

I found opportunities in the bear market too but the profit wasn't that good as during the two bull markets I've witnessed so far. Still, I was happy having made more than enough in 2017 and managed to enter some good positions in a few cryptocurrencies during the bear market that paid off.

The mistake is not to invest and lose money. The mistake is to sell everything, quit, and never come back. Because the market is going to make you regret it twice.

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Avatar for Pantera
2 years ago


Your right we should not sell and leave because we lost just think of it that crypto's price is changing it may be high or low but what important is we should learn more about it and don't leave because it's a great opportunity for everyone who learns about it. And I'm happy that crypto changes your life too.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Leaving completely will be a mistake, as maybe it will take time, but market will recover and the opportunities will be even more than now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your dedication is amazing. I see you have started quite for a while now, explaining your vast knowledge about cryptocurrencies. I am excited to read more success stories , or stories that help us noobs be informed. :)

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I'm trying my best. I had some very good teachers too and with time it will be up to those that are beginners today to carry the torch!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow a journey with ups and downs but motivational to many of us especially to those panicking right now 💚 I joined crypto world in june 2020 and so far the best thing that has happened to me is joining Bitcoin Cash community and Club1bch 💚 I don't have a good experience in trading :') but yes I'm holding my coins and I know market will recover soon 💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It all depends. If I had more stability and room to move I would invest for very long term. But there are situations around us that can turn so negative in small time and problems that we can't resolve easily. This may require a lot of money to deal with depending on where you live.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Crypto is the future currency.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

crypto are really amazing to lift up somebodies life😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't really like buying suitcas and this market crash is our fist-time experience but since we are

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just like bitcoin pizza day,we should regret the mistake for selling of Crypto.Ups And downs are beauty of Crypto we all need to Hodl and believe on that.I started my carrier from BCH in 2020.I also listen a lot about BITcoin.But I faced practically with BCH in learn a lot in such experience .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

is it possible that the coins of anyone could stolen by some body?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Laszlo Hanyecz was an early Bitcoin developer. Before Bitcoin was used for anything he thought of using it as P2P Electronic Cash. Sadly, many think this way just because they see Bitcoin as a way to profit in fiat. These are the hypocrites that you see all over Twitter. Pomp and more. Bitcoin is not about hodl, it is about becoming widely used cash. Laszlo didn't make any mistake. And he never regretted it as some BTC maxis are saying.

Now, second part I want to make clear. I never said to anyone to hodl. I'm saying not to abandon this market the moment you see there is no profit for a while. Because there will be some rough times and everyone will be losing money. Personally I never hodl'ed and wasn't part of this kind of group.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure... But being a simple man I can't buy the BTC because I have fear of night BTC transaction fee..Sir His purpose was p2p transaction but it was used initial at some extent.You are right we utilized bitcoin that is its true purpose.But I believe BCH is real bitcoin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your account of your experience with cryptos is quite didactic. The current state of the market can cause a lot of anguish to those who speculate.

However, for those who invest in solid projects, as you well point out, it is an opportunity to place the capital and obtain succulent dividends in the future.

Of course, this does not mean that you turn a blind eye, on the contrary, you have to review the task and correct what you have to correct. The market, like life, has its cycles and disturbances that must be addressed to maintain equilibrium.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I'm expecting bear market that will last for long time. Last time I was at a crossroads. Either quit everything and not look again, or stay and learn. I stayed for two more years, 2018 and 2019 and learned a lot. This helped me in remarkable ways during a time when everything else was shutdown and no income was available.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm confident that my coins will recover soon. I don't really like buying shitcoins.. And this market crash is our first-time experience but since we are loyal to BCH, I'm holding to the very bottom...because I know it will be worth it sooner or later. We just need to wait for the bull.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

How did you lost your coins?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The bull will rise again this is certain and Bitcoin Cash will reach its fair value, a lot higher than the recent high.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes and we're looking forward to it. The lower the dip, the higher the surge..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, I didn't know ETC was that old having price $1. Woah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm worried on some coins that i bought for short term trade but becauseof the sudden dip, it became my holdings. I hope they will not die😐

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sorry about that. I can't help you there. I was also holding many tokens I should have sold, but we can't know where the top will be. I'm investing no more than money that will be important. Maybe I should have risked more though at the 2020 dip, this is my regret.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, I hope this market will recover sooner or later.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is not an attack, but just a friendly question. But is it true that you were once a "BCH hater" something like that? Just heard it somewhere though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Where you heard about that? I wasn't a hater. In the first two years 2017 and 2018 I had limited knowledge. In 2018 I started looking. I never hated BCH as I didn't know what it was doing exactly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm not sure if it was you or cryptonator. Not sure too of it was in conversation 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have read many from the BTC side changing minds lately. Nobody wants to keep being shut only with BTC when there are wonderful platforms and projects. And I was also wrong for a while by believing that BTC was going to overcome all obstacles. I don't know who cryptonator is, but even if this guy was a hater, if he changed his mind this is important and I support his decision.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many BTC lover from p0x are BCH hater 😅 I also thought you're one of them just like what Kryptlook has said. This platform is giving them passive income so they should be grateful instead of hating BCH.
But now, many BTC lover have realized that BCH is the real Bitcoin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't understand why you thought like that. I'm not using very often Publish0x, and from what I've noticed there are people writing mostly about anything else but Bitcoin there. I haven't seen BTC maximalists, or someone against BCH there, but I'm not using that platform a lot. I don't get this argument either. I am using bitcointalk too, but it is very difficult to communicate there without having ten people cursing you for asking questions.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

I guess it was a wrong guy.. If you know cryptonator of P0x.. He's one of the BCH haters but enjoying claiming BCH from these two platforms 🤣

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I didn't know but checked and I know now who you are talking about! If he is two sided then its very bad for him. If he geniunly changed and now believes in BCH then it is different.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope so. Coz he will regret it later..

$ 0.00
2 years ago