My weaknesses are my strength

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Avatar for Pandariezl
2 years ago

5yrs ago, I passed the interview for the job I am applying to. After passing the interview, I need to undergo to a Written Examination. The written examination is divided into parts. It has Abstract Reasoning, Math, Vocabulary, and other parts I dont remember. But one thing that I can never forget is the last part. It is the Essay part of the exam.

In the essay part of the exam, there’s a question that you need to answer. And as I remember, the question was “What is your strength?”. At first I dont know what to answer. But after a few minutes, I started writing.

My answer was, “My weaknesses are my strength.” I cannot fully remember my explanation, but I wrote that coz I think that I always turn my weakness into my strength.

When somebody or someone tells me that I cannot do something because I am not capable, I always work hard so I can prove to them that I am capable. I always carry myself eventhough there are tough challenges in my life.

I always belive that I can do anything I want as long as I believe in myself. Because that is the most important thing, by believing in your self. How can you convince others if you yourself dont believe in your capabilities?

When I feel anxious or in fear, I always tell myself that If others can do it, why not me? I always boost myself esteem so that I wont rely on the words of others. Eventhough there is no one by my side, as long as I know how to lift myself up, I believe that I can do anything.

Trusting and Believing yourself is one way to show love to yourself. Never underestimate what you can do. Always think that you can do anything you want. Always think that you can achieve what you want. As long as you believe in yourself.

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