Today i am going to discuss about a food item. I don't know what is it known to your region. But i hope this is known to everyone. In my locality it is called banana mocha.
Let's see it's benefits:
1. These food item strengthen hemoglobin in blood. Banana mocha is very useful for maintaining the right amount of blood in the body or for patients suffering from anemia.
2. Banana mocha contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, iodine etc. along with iron.
3. Vitamin A in banana mocha fights against night blindness. You can eat banana peel regularly to prevent premature loss of vision.
4. About 80% of the brain of the fetus is formed in the mother's womb. Pregnant women and the baby should eat a moderate amount of banana peel regularly for good health.
5. Iron in this vegetable plays an important role in keeping skin and hair healthy. Calcium, iodine and magnesium in it also play a leading role in the formation of teeth.
6. This vegetable is very useful to strengthen the bone structure of women who stop menstruating after menopause or a certain age. This vegetable is a blessing for older men and women and growing children, openers or those who do more physical work.
Is the banana peel food too?