They think they know me

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Avatar for Paganprincess
3 years ago

It's funny how people can presume to know you. To know what you're feeling. I've lost count of the number of times someone has told me that I'm mad at someone when I'm not. Or when they tell me what I think about a person.

I wonder, how do they come to their conclusions? What makes them think they know me better than I know myself? How can they be so sure of something without so much as asking me?

Why is it people feel the need to speak for me when I can speak just fine for myself? Why go to another person and tell them how I feel with no proof? Are they so bored with their own lives? Do they genuinely feel as thought they are helping?

When I ask, they never seem to have much of an answer. They shrug and say they thought it was true. More often then not, they simply never answer at all.

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