I admit, the inspiration to write has eluded me the past few days. It may be that I'm focusing my creativity elsewhere or that I'm simply too tired to come up with much. My mind is always working but sometimes it can be hard to get it to work the way I want it to.
I mentioned in a pervious article that I have realized I need to put more time into self care and that I have started trying meditation for this reason. A part of me was also hoping maybe it could help with my writing as well. That didn't seem to be the case with my session tonight however.
Instead of relaxing me and quieting my thoughts or at least trying to, it only seemed to make my mind drift just enough for an idea to form but then dissolve before I could grasp it. Perhaps it will come back to me.
My days are largely busy and noisy between household chores, my daughters schooling ect. I don't always have the time to write out my thoughts in the hopes of finding something decent I can use to create my next piece.
Sometimes I can go months without being able to write anything remotely usable. I hate those months. they say it's better to write anything than nothing but sometimes I wonder how true that is. There are days where I sit down, whether with a pencil and paper or at my keyboard and no matter how hard I try, I get nothing that I can even salvage later.
Times like that (or this) discourage me and more than once I have considered giving up writing but I know I will never do that. It can be frustrating but it can also be a savior. We all need an outlet and for better or worse, writing it seems will always be mine. Even if it's not something I always do well.
It is not easy to get in the writing zone. do what you can to write something each time and you will get better at it. good luck