Cherry Hill Hauntings

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Avatar for Paganprincess
4 years ago

One of Canadas top haunted landmarks is known as Cherry Hill House. It was built in 1822 as a family home and it earned it's name from the grove of cherry trees located behind the house which the original owner planted.

The house was home to it's builder, Joseph Silverthorn, his wife and their twelve children. They had 9 girls and 3 boys. In 1852, one of Josephs' sons was married in a small chapel and after the ceremony the celebration was moved to the house.

While guests gathered in the kitchen there was a knock at the front door and an unknown gentleman requested to speak with the groom. He went outside and was never seen again. Though they searched the surrounding area, they were never able to discover what had happened to him.

Was it cold feet? Or something more sinister?

Some claim if you talk about his disappearance in the house, the front door will open and close by itself.

The land was slated for a housing development and the house was moved from it's original location to a new one in 1975. Around the time the house was being refurbished, rumors of hauntings began to surface. Perhaps the ghosts were unhappy at having their surroundings changed.

Construction workers found their electrical work undone and complained of unexplained knocking sounds and tools being moved with no one having moved them themselves. It got so bad that they outright refused to work in the house at night.

Locals also reported seeing a little girl in an upstairs window. An overnight security worker, refused to go back to the structure after he reported being chased off the property by a white apparition riding a horse.

Having caught the attention of the media, these rumors led to a séance being preformed in the house in an effort to dispel or prove what people were claiming about the place.

During the séance, those present reported hearing footsteps on the steps leading to the room with no one ever appearing.

'Cherry Hill' is now a fine dining restaurant with an Irish pub in the basement. Staff members have reported many strange occurrences. Lights dimming, glasses tipping over, doors opening and closing on their own and things being put down only to be found in a completely different place.

It seems widely accepted by staff that the place is indeed haunted though they don't seem to mind much. If anything, perhaps it's all just part of the job to them. After all, if there are ghosts present, they don't seem to want to harm anyone.

$ 0.55
$ 0.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Paganprincess
4 years ago


Good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'd love to ho to that plave and stay the night just to experience the phenomena 😂😂😂 seems like fun to me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Same here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I know I'd never be able to get used to seeing paranormal activities at the place where I work or live.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I've seen some pretty weird stuff to be honest. I've also heard things I can't explain. Depending on what it is, it's just normal now.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice work 😍

$ 0.00
4 years ago