If pokemon GO makes people use their mobile phones more than usual, my own version is encouraging people to wonder around and explore the nature. I had great fun drawing Pokemons with my little one and we decided to turn this into an outdoor activity, involving walking, climbing and running. We created an amazing Pokemon trail with 15 pokemons to be spotted while walking through the forest.
If you follow the arrow, you will find the Start Point. From Start to Finish, there are 15 popular pokemons to be spotted. You will find Jigglypuff listening to bird tweets.
Little Stufful is hiding under a log. While Charmander climbed in a tree. Beedrill is hiding between some roots. And Squirtle is waving from a tree. Muk is trying to run away.
And Buzzwole is flexing his muscles. Meawth is planning something mischievous,... while Zeraora is guarding the forest. Raichu is close-by to help out.
Eevee is being pretty and smiling as you pass by.
Psyduck is waiting for friends. Stufful is telling you that you getting closer to the Finish!
... and when you see Metapod ... you have reached the end
This was such an amazing experience and I am glad that all the community will benefit from it. I seen children passing by when setting the pictures around and instantly asking how many pokemons they have to look for
Gotta catch them all!
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wow great article