Moscow Underground Stations

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Avatar for PVMihalache
4 years ago

Moscow was such an amazing city, full of history, culture and wonderful landmarks and beauty spots. When you hear about Moscow, you will immediately think about the Kremlin, the Red Square, Lenin's Mausoleum, Bolshoi Theatre and military parades. All of them are incredible places to visit, however, the metro stations in Moscow are somehow special, with paintings, statues and architecture which can rival any museum in the world. All the above will have their own post soon but today I am focusing on the gloriously ornate, vaulted halls of Russia’s metro stations. 

The first project of Moscow metro was created in 1901 and the red line, Sokolnicheskaya, was opened on 15th May 1935. Before World War 2 there were two more lines opened: the Blue Line: Arbatsko–Pokrovskaya and the Green Line: Zamoskvoretskaya. The newest station is on the Red Linne, Salaryevo, opened on 15th February 2016.

If you are in Moscow, allocate few hours to visit the top station and treat your eyes with the unique beauty they have to offer. Don't book any paid tour from Tripadvisor or GetYourGuide, just follow the tour I created. I will explain clearly what line to take and when to change, in a quick and comprehensive guide, highlighting what each station has to offer. 

Moscow Metro Tour

I started my trip at Komsomolskaya station (Red and Brown Line)

Continued the Brown Line Westbound at Prospekt Mira, Novoslobodskaya, and Belorusskaya 

At Belorusskaya station, switch to the Green Line and take it one stop, to Mayakovskaya.

Follow the Green Line to Teatralnaya, where you’ll switch to the Dark Blue Line for Ploschad Revolutzii.

Take the Dark Blue Line Westbound,  stopping at Arbatskaya, Kievskaya, and Park Pobeduy.

At Park Pobeduy, main attractions are Poklonnaya Hill, Triumph Arc, Victory Museum and Museum of Patriotic War


Prospekt Mira





Park Pobeduy

Facts about Moscow's metro

  • During World War 2 Moscow metro served as air-raid shelters, some of the trains were removed from the tunnels to give the space. It was decided that in case of enemies approaching Moscow, the whole metro will be destroyed

  • On several occasions Stalin made his speeches at Mayakovskaya platforms.

  • 9 million passengers using Moscow metro each day

  • The average distance between the stations is 1,8kms and the deepest metro station is 84 meters and 99.98% of trains run on schedule.

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4 years ago


the stations are beautiful...great pics...thanks for sharing. waiting for @tired_momma to visit one day so i can get her take on Moscow...Lol

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Would love too but my bucket list is full 😆

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

St.Petersburg is also on my bucket list... and USA

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow! That's beautiful! All I know is the Kremlin while watching RED lol

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The Kremiln was amazing as well

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The Kremiln was amazing as well

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A very beautiful station, especially its craftsmanship is really dazzlingly admirable..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So much beauty all around

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, really amazing..

$ 0.00
4 years ago