Horizen - 2023 will be an EVMsome year!

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In the future of the Cryptoverse ... EVM compatibility will matters more than ever. Multi-Chain is the way forward and the crypto ecosystem moves towards tools and DApps on side-chains that have the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility. Horizen will lower the entry barrier for developers and will build an open and inclusive blockchain ecosystem for all. 

The EVM synergy will allow developers to create applications that can run on any Ethereum-compatible blockchain. The EVM defines the rules for computing a valid state from one block to the next, which will links all accounts with hashes and it is reducible to a root hash. The system will send codes to the EVM to process transactions in Ethereum. These EVM opcodes perform standard stack operations and blockchain-specific stack operations. When smart contracts are compiled, they turn into EVM opcodes.

By supporting EVM, an organization such as Horizen opens its platform up to a vast community of developers who can create applications that will drive its success. EVM compatibility will open the ETH DeFi infrastructure to ZEN users, and access to AMMs, DEXs, P2P lending protocols, stablecoins, etc.

I know 2023 will be an EVMsome year because the private testnet showed strenght. The EVM public testnet will be available soon, while the MainNet will be available shortly after. You can witness the evolution in the first row by sharing your ideas.

The Horizen Ecosystem grows bigger and bigger, as tools like Zendoo, Cobalt Wallet and TokenMint were created and implemented. The Horizen’s cross-chain protocol, Zendoo, was designed for developers to build blockchains and applications that solve today’s real-world problems with the flexibility to capture tomorrow’s opportunities! The zk-SNARK enabled verifiable cross-chain transfer protocol is powering  a privacy-preserving and fully decentralized network of blockchains with massive throughput and scalability. 

The Zendoo protocol was built to solve the inefficiency and lack of transparency in traditional auditing processes, by validating proof of reserves in near-real-time without revealing identifiable information or relying on third-party validators.

zk-SNARKs means Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge and will change the traditional audits by eliminating the dependencies on centralized entities and empower the community. Why are the zk-SNARKs so important? Because the privacy technology allows efficient verification without revealing any identifiable information. 

TokenMint is a Horizen sidechain that provides quick and easy token launch for everyone. The sidechain allows users to mint custom tokens with no developer skills in a process that is fully transparent and provable. Anyone can create fungible tokens on this sidechain, and dive into the Horizen ecosystem. There is no limit to the number of tokens you can create, and no limitations when it comes to fixed number of tokens or unlimited supplies. 

The phased rollout will ensure security since the first steps, as Horizen Labs will protect and limit the access to TokenMint nodes until the staked amount will be enough to consider attacks unlikely to happen. At that point node operators will strengthen security and decentralization.

The process is simplified, and the tokens can be created in three steps. Cobalt Wallet is needed to create a TokenMint address and ZEN is required for transactions fee. The next step is also the final part... as minting tokens never been easier.

Cobalt Wallet currently supports any fungible tokens that are minted on TokenMint, and can support ZEN transfers into the platform for the purpose of paying transaction fees. Also, Cobalt Wallet allows users to mint and manage the tokens directly from the web browser. Download Cobalt Wallet from TokenMint or from the Chrome Store and add it as a browser extension. 

The new game Punkz Hero is powered by PKZ tokens, minted on Token Mint. The game is available on PipeFlare , a play2earn crypto gaming platform powered by the $FLARE token. You can play games, collect free tokens from the fountains, claim airdrops and earn rewards through the referral program.

The winter was ZEN, and my Christmas tree was ZEN! No better way to share EVM vibes with ZEN ornaments! Then this idea expanded into ... "why not making a ZEN Christmas Party?" And the answer was ... why not?!

The Punkz Hero Tournament and Christmas Party was the second community-led event, and the punkz gather up to show their gaming skills on PipeFlare's Punkz Hero! I hosted the event with Paragism and DeFi Money-Printer, judging the competition, ranking the participants and announcing the prizes.

The participants had to play Punkz Hero on PipeFlare and the players with the most points won NFTs, ZEN and PUNKZ. The winner received the Punkz Champion role on Discord, one NFT, 5000 PKZ tokens and 2 ZEN.

The runner-up won a Horizen NFT, 2500 PKZ and 1 ZEN, while the third placed player won the NFT, 2000 PZK and half of ZEN. A quarter of ZEN and 1500 PKZ for the 4th and 5th place, and 1500 PKZ for those that finished 6th to 10th in the final standing of the competition.

It's cool to have $PKZ tokens, and I got some on my Cobalt Wallet. Maybe in the future I will also mint the $PVM token, or mint a Humble Tractors collection on the Horizon EVM!

My target for the end of 2022 was to reach 16 $ZEN, and I over-achieved. I kept adding small fractions from GetZen, through Discord missions and raids, and from small transactions when the market price was low. Ending the year with 19 ZEN and setting the target for 2023 to at least 25 ZEN! Bring it on!

Will be a Happy New ZEN Year!

There are big expectations from 2023, and some amazing tools ready to be released. The Zenvangelists were fortunate to hear some spoilers from Rob Viglione, the Co-Founder of Horizen Global and CEO of Horizen Labs. The EVM project will lead to state-of-the-art DApps and higher standards smart contracts.

Earn ZEN with the GetZEN faucet

The GetZen fountain has 4 levels of referrals, and users will earn extra rewards for each claim made by referrals, up to tier 4. They will receive 20% for Tier 1, 10% for Tier 2, 5% for Tier 3 and 3% for Tier 4. The minimum withdrawal is 0.02 ZEN, payable every fortnight, on the 1st and 15th of each month. This update made my day, as I have plenty of 20% and 10% extra rewards to collect. Start claiming daily shares of $ZEN and enjoy a bonus roll after each five consecutive days! 

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Quality Faucets: Free-Litecoin , FreeBitcoin & Stakecube

Tier 4 referral system: Horizen (ZEN) & ZCash from PipeFlare GlobalHive


I earn crypto for reading and writing on Publish0x and ReadCash, watching videos on Lbry.tv and surfing online on Brave Browser and Presearch

$ 0.00
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Interesting, I think I will try to get an interview with Rob Viglione somewhere in the nearest future

Btw, I think you wrote in past about Brave tokens, and how it's possible to withdraw them with your help? If yes, I would like to do it. As I understand I will send them to you as a tip, and you can send me tip in BCH for one of my articles. yes?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think that's @BitcoinBaby

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Let me know and I can push it a bit

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sure, I will

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Cool post.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think that's right, you are the king of crypto blogging 👍

$ 0.00
1 year ago