Harry Potter and Bitcoin magic

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One of the most funny and amazing things that happened during the pandemic was JK Rowling jibe about the magic of Bitcoin and banter about implementing it into the Potter-verse

I seen yesterday some amazing twitter treads.  J.K. Rowling, the British author and philanthropist best know for for writing the Harry Potter, had some thoughts on Bitcoin and asked Leigh Cuen from Coindesk for some explanations. The tweet triggered an avalanche of responses from the community, calling Bitcoin "magic money".

JK Rowling probably wasn’t expecting to unleash the bitcoin community’s pent up passion and imagination when she tweeted two sentences asking about bitcoin. Bitcoin official account hinted JK Rowling that Bitcoin could fix the bureaucracy from Gringotts Wizzarding Bank, and the goblin methods of storing money and valuables for wizards.

However ... this is my favourite tweet : “Remember when Dobby was freed by a sock? Bitcoin is that sock,” 

As things went viral, even Elon Musk got involved in the topic. The Tesla CEO agreed with Rowling and took a jibe at traditional central banks.

Jeffrey Albus, from The Cointelegraph, offered an excellent comparison between Bitcoin and the Potterverse. He said that Bitcoin is pure magic, allowing people to exchange money with anyone in the world instantly, cheaply and securely, without the need for any centralized, Goblin-based banking authority. Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto can be He-Who-Has-Not-Been-Named.

Similar to how the Quill of Acceptance records the name of each new potential Hogwarts student in the Book of Admittance, Bitcoin ownership is confirmed and recorded instantly in a digital ledger, called a Blockchain, and new money cannot be conjured from nothing. Bitcoin and the strenght of block-chains is redistributing power. It removes the need for governing bodies, and returns the power to share knowledge, riches, and even the control of individual privacy back to the people.

Spoiler Alert: Jeffrey Albus is not related with Albus Dumbledore

Meanwhile, some Dementors shape-shifted in Bitcoins and were flying above Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, creating panic and havoc. 

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i didn't realize Elon Musk waded into this...nice post...Lol!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Upper class comments on upper class posts:))

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Funny story, though I prefer HP as it is now

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Magic is magic

$ 0.00
3 years ago

excellent article , i like it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago