Everything you want to know about Bufficorns and EthDenver

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Bufficorns ... Bufficorns ... we all love Bufficorns! 

The Bufficorn NFT game aims to gamify networking and connecting builders at ETH Denver. The game mechanics was covered in Bufficorns - The ETH Denver official virtual networking game

TL;DR: The Bufficorns social game requires and promotes social interaction at ETHDenver. The participants must team-up and work together to breed top bufficorns. The resources needed for the breeding process can be obtained by scanning the badges of other participants.

Join a ranch and start playing by scanning the unique QR code printed on the back side of the badge.  Drop by the Witnet booth if your badge doesn't have the QR code 

The game wmrun between 17th and 20th of February, at ETH Denver, and the leaderboards were updated in real time. Every Bufficorn breeder received a participation medal NFT, and medals in various categories were also awarded.

Each ranch took care of 4 bufficorns. These magical creatures needed different resources to grow and improve their skills. Higher traits positioned the ranch and their bufficorns higher in the Leaderboard. Socialize with others and collect Warm Hey, Fresh Grass, Smart Sedge, Mighty Acorns, Tireless Water and Hearty Berry.

There are 10,000 Bufficorn NFTs, and they are sold out. There are 244 possible traits, mixed randomly to create unique Bufficorns. The $SPORK holders had a 24 hours head-start to mint Bufficorns, and then the minting was open for everyone.

The Bufficorns invaded the Opensea and the sales accelerated with the start of ETH Denver. There are 4.1 holders and the volume of trades for the collection is now 177 $ETH - 492,800 USD

The generative art process randomized the 244 traits to mint unique Bufficorns. There are 14 different background, 22 variants of fur and 10 different horns. Headgears, backs, threads, 22 mouth variants, 42 eyes and 8 types of earrings were added in the mix for guaranteed uniqueness. This is the Witnet vision... to create uniqueness for NFTs and blockchain gaming sector.

Visit the Bufficorn SWAG shop to check the merchandise! Turn up at any BUIDL event in the PegaBufficorn pants and people will definitely rush to scan your badge! Maybe purchase the "ETH Denver Year of the Spork" t-shirt to always remember your participation at ETHDenver 2022! 

The NFT prizes will be medals minted on Polygon, so the participants can show them off in the OpenSea profile. Everyone will be getting a participant medal with their breeder score and position in the ranking.

The Bufficorn fun is not limited to indoor socializing at ETH Denver, and "explorers" are invited to join the POAP Scavenger Hunt. The event encourages people to explore Denver and look for the QR codes that are hidden at various venues and landmarks. Scanning the QR codes with the POAP app will reward the finder with a POAP NFT to mark the event. However, scanning the QR codes with the Bufficorn app will grant special in-game rewards and bonuses.

ETHDenver ... ETHDenver ... we all love ETHDenver!

ETH Denver is the largest and longest running Ethereum event in the world, a member-owned Community Innovation Festival. The mission is to shape a new world, powered by blockchain and innovation. The event was free to attend and the agenda was packed with workshops and meet-ups. 

It started on the 11th of February, with a live opening ceremony from Art Hotel. The #BUIDLWEEK was full of technical talks, workshops and events such as the NFT Scavenger Hunt and parties. Saturday's agenda is packed with panels and workshops, from 8 AM to 5 PM. Will be no rest of Sunday, with project exhibitions up to 5PM and the Colorado Closing Party planned in the evening.

Helpful links:

Bufficorns article by PVM

Introducing the Bufficorns 

Mint Bufficorns 

Bufficorn NFTs Opensea

Witnet - Decentralized Oracle

Bufficorn SWAG shop

The Bufficorn Origins

ETH Denver



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$ 11.67
$ 11.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Pantera
$ 0.10 from @Jane
+ 6
Sponsors of PVMihalache


I was drawn to their merchandise lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It does look both cool and cut3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They are cute 😁...how do you know this stuff?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

24/7 in the Metaverse

$ 0.00
2 years ago