BNK to the Future + Celsius Network = King of Wallets

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BNK to the Future is boosting Celsius towards the top of the league!

BnkToTheFuture is a global online investment platform that allows qualifying investors to invest in financial innovation including FinTech (Financial Technology) companies, funds and other new alternative financial products.I logged on Celsius this morning to check the interest for last week. A pop-up message appeared before I could check inviting people to invest in a Celsius crowdfunding on BNK to the Future.Com and as a curious little creep ... I pressed the button to see what's about. BNK to the Future has an open pitch where people can join the Celsius Network crowdfunding, making Celsius better and making  the brand more powerful. Will this pitch make Celsius the King of Wallets?

BnkToTheFuture is a global online investment platform that allows qualifying investors to invest in financial innovation including FinTech companies, funds and other new alternative financial products such as cryptocurrencies and block-chains. They platform is extra secure as they use bank-grade security procedures including secure socket layers and two factor authentication. The Celsius Network pitch aimed to raise a minimum of $10.5 million, which already was achieved. Currently the pitch just passed $12 million and growing. 

It is quite easy to open a new account on BNK to the Future, but after a verification process must be completed before any investments. The Celsius Network crowdfunding is backed up by the 2019 success and by highlighting the industry leading partners and providers, along with many mentions on top financial media such as Forbes and NASDAQ.

The crowdfunding pitch was opened by Alex Mashinsky, the Celsius Network CEO. He is a prominent entrepreneur who has founded several companies over the years, GroundLink, Transit Wirelles, Arbinet, Elematics and offcourse Celsius Network.  Alex disrupted several industries but he is most known as the inventor of VOIP which today enables over 1 billion people worldwide to use free voice over the internet for free. With Celsius Network, he aimed to disrupting the banks, so he created a community-based Proof-of-Stake block-chain protocol allowing members to borrow dollars against their cryptocurrencies.

I am a big fan of investing in the things you use, and you are happy with how they work. I use Monzo, I drink BrewDog,  I invest on WiseAlpha ... and I invested in them as well. The Celsius Network pitch looks like an interesting investment option for crowdfunding fans and time will tell if the shares will bring the desired profit. 


Links and referrals:

BNK to the Future - Celsius Pitch

Earn up to $50 worth of EOS - Coinbase Earn

Earn up to $50 worth of Compound - Coinbase Earn

Amazon author page: PV Mihalache

Quality Faucets: Stakecube (20 daily faucets)

Tier 4 referral system: Horizen (ZEN) & ZCash from PipeFlare GlobalHive



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$ 0.52
$ 0.52 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of PVMihalache


that's an interesting crowdfunding project...who needs banks these days to secure capital? Lol

I told R to visit you, but R spent too much money before arriving here.

then R visited me with the few pennies remaining in that wallet...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Everyone goes to crowd funding now

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They chose a very clever name. 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In modern days a good name and a smart logo is the first step towards success

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They definitely nailed that part. 👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago