Travel to Jeonju, South Korea

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3 years ago
Topics: Travel, South Korea

Ecological travel, attractive to people seeking to preserve their health, is getting more and more development nowadays. Having bought a ticket to South Korea, you can visit one of the capitals of the world ecological tourism - Jeonju. There are no industrial enterprises and factories in this city; many exotic birds and animals live here.

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The natural landscapes of the city and its environs are also remarkable. Jeonju is located in a valley that is surrounded by five different mountains, one of which has seven peaks. The air here is so clean that you can "drink" it.

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No wonder the vegetables and fruits grown by local farmers are considered the most delicious and environmentally friendly in South Korea. Strawberries are especially fragrant here, which you can enjoy while going on excursion tours to local farms to get acquainted with life and taste local food.

Jeonju is famous for its special cuisine. Recently, UNESCO awarded the city for its "gastronomic identity", because some national dishes are prepared according to recipes that are several centuries old. And it is here that the best chefs in South Korea are trained, who then work in top- class restaurants around the world. And ordinary people cook well, it's not for nothing that festivals of national Korean food are held here, where chefs from all over the world come.

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Attending the festival is free, and many come here just to admire the work of Korean chefs, because this process, however, like everyone else in the cultivation and preparation of food, is treated very attentively and respectfully by the inhabitants of this country. They believe that medicine and cooking have the same roots, so the right food will work just like medicine, curing disease and prolonging life.

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The film festival, taking place in Jeonju, attracts no less number of residents of the country and tourists, because here you can watch almost 200 different films of independent directors and animated films from different countries of Asia in a week. Also interesting is the event dedicated to traditional Korean paper costumes, which have no analogues anywhere in the world.

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Many people come here to get acquainted with the historical and cultural monuments of the city, because its history goes back many centuries. It is believed that the first settlement was organized here in the 3rd century AD. e. And then the city developed, built, but at the same time it always remained original and was of great importance for the whole country.

There are many attractions here, for example the architectural complex "Khanokmayl". This is a real open-air museum, the exposition of which is made up of more than 800 different buildings made in traditional Korean style. Here you can spend the whole day walking along well-groomed paths, stopping at cozy teahouses or visiting numerous souvenir shops.

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In the 13th century, the building of the Confucian school was built in the city, which still exists today and is considered one of the main attractions of Jeonju. At the same time, the school is open for visits, since the followers of Confucius believe that in this way tourists become familiar with the great teachings. For admirers of Buddhism, Buddhist monasteries of Chinbuksa, Synamsa, Silsansa, consisting of several buildings, will be of interest. Here you can also watch the meditations of monks and even stay here for some time for those who make the pilgrimage.

From Jeonju, you can also go on excursions to other interesting places in South Korea to see exotic flora and fauna, historical sites and enjoy your vacation.

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3 years ago
Topics: Travel, South Korea


I have never heard of this ecological place. I would love to visit it, and I believe the air there is very clean because there are no factories. Considering that I am a big gourmand, I would also like to try their food.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is always nice to visit places that charge your being with energy and that energy is found in nature. Every space has its charm, some more than others, you just have to know how to look and enjoy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nature tells you about the beauty of the Earth which often stops you in your tracks. Thereโ€™s no doubt that spending time in nature has restorative benefits i.e, it makes you more energetic and creative. Thanks for giving it a read and for the feedback.๐Ÿ‘

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3 years ago