How to make money online?

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3 years ago
Topics: Money online?

How to make money online?

But we all want to have an extra income in addition to education or work. Again, many people want to build a good career online by eliminating everything.

In today's digital age, internet is one of the sources of income. Both jobs and business can be done here like in real life. Making money by working on the internet is online income.

Online income can be of two types




There are many of us who always think of ways to make a short cut. Not more than 100 rupees income per day. They can do this kind of work. This is a one time income method. For example, through the mobile app, income by clicking on the ad. In a very short time, you can earn income without knowing any work. And the amount of income is very low.

Here is a discussion of fixed income. If you want to know how to make one time income, please comment below.


This is a life time income method. To do this online we must know English. And we have to have very good conversation skills. This is because the people we work with are international buyers and the international language is English. They must not speak Bengali to us.

So the most important thing is that we have to have very good English skills and then what we need to know is what we will do, that is, our efficiency.

Many people ask what to do online?

Do I know what you will do?

Then I ask you three questions-

Do I know what skills you have?

Do I know what you like to do?

Do you know what your job is?

Of course not!

Since I don't know anything about you, you know who knows best about you.

If I'm right, you know what qualities you have and what you're good at. Maybe you can design well, maybe you can write a lot of good English articles, maybe you know programming, maybe you are good at marketing, maybe you know nothing. You want to learn the tasks.

If you are one of them you know nothing. My advice to them is, you learn something first and then move on to online. And if you are one of them, you are good at anything. And you can do that very well. Then you are ready to start working.

You want to earn income online but can't think of how to work online or in which sector. There are many sectors online but here are some of the ones that are in high demand:

App development

Web Design and Development

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

HTML, CSS, JavaScript


PHP or C ++


Graphics design

UI / UX design

Logo design

Banner design

Business card design

T-shirt design

Brochure design

Vector Trecher

Motion graphics etc.

Digital marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Email marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Video marketing or YouTube marketing

CPA marketing

Print on demand

Online advertising

Network marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Mobile SMS marketing

Content marketing

Online PR

Inbound marketing

Forum posting

PTC site

Blog post

Web analytics

Lead Generation

Virtual Assistant


Data entry

Content Writing

Income from buying and selling domains etc.

If you want to work online without knowing any work. But it will bring disgrace to you and this country. This is because international buyers know that Asian countries, especially many in South Asia, have very low incomes and very low educational qualifications.

Due to which it is often seen that they have mentioned in all the posts that none of these countries will apply. Because they know that the quality of their work is not good and they are not proficient in English. The work they do will not be of international standard.

Now if you are ready to work online. And started working without any skills. It will hurt all of us because the marketplace will be ruined. And we won't get any work in the future. And even if I get, I will get much less work. Or we have to work at a much lower rate.

Now the point is that in order to work online we must know very good English and work. If you are interested in working, first find out what you can do and do well. Then learn to work or if you have the skills, then start working as an online professional.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @TheDINO
Avatar for Ostina1
3 years ago
Topics: Money online?
