Hello, read.cash! I don’t know if introductory posts are a thing in this community, but here we go. I am brought here by curiosity, growing crypto enthusiasm, search for useful or inspiring content, a faint possibility to make some extra $, and long existing psycho-emotional need to put thoughts on paper (well, in text). I remember of having an account on this site a couple of years ago, but things have changed, and I have gone through significant life changes as well. I don’t even want to deal with the username I used to have on here becuase it reminds me of toxic relations with complete psychopaths why are finally gone from my life.

Welcome, me, hello, fellow humans!

Since I am no crypto expert at this point, my posts will probably revolve around other aspects of life: everything that touches and interests me on a deeper level — books, life experiences, states of minds, self-development, and potentially unanswerable questions about a million things that happen in day-to-day life.

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@Onemorestep posted 2 years ago
